Exh 8AAGENDA ITEM #8A SEPTEMBER 10, 2001 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Extension of Point Repair Annual Contract Bid No. 9900-24 SUBMITTED BY: Donna Kaluzniak, Utility Director Robert S. Kosoy, P.E., Public Works Duector~~ DATE: August 31, 2001 BACKGROUND: On August 30, 2000, bids were opened for the City annual contract for Point Repairs in the water, sewer and stormwater system. The low bidder was Gruhn May, Inc.. They successfully met all bid requirements. Gruhn May, Inc. has performed point repair work for the City for many years. Gruhn May's personnel have the required background, knowledge, experience and equipment to perform the necessary work. The fees charged by Gruhn May, Inc. for labor and materials have been very reasonable and competitive. City has spoken to Gruhn May, Inc. regarding an extension of their current contract for one year at the current rates and they have agreed. As per Bid No. 9900-24: "The City reserves the right to renew the contract for two additional one-year periods pending a mutual agreement between the City and the vendor, and a review of the contract performance by vendor for the previous year." The vendor has agreed to renew his contract, and staff has been pleased with the performance of this contractor. BUDGET: These services are used on an as-needed basis, and funding is included in the Water, Sewer and Stormwater Funds in the amount of approximately $300,000 under account numbers 400-4001-533- 3400, 400-4301-533-3400, 410-4101-535-3400, 410-4401-535-3400, and 470-0000-538-3400. RECOMMENDATION: Extend the Point Repair contract for one additional year to Gruhn May, Inc. at the contract prices. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Bid tabulation Sheet. 2. Letter of agreement to extet d'oontract from Gruhn May, Inc. REVIEWED BY CITY MANAG AUG-31-2001 FRI 11.16 AM C[TY OF ATL BCH PURCHASI FAX N0. 9042475819 AcENDA1TEM#an SEPTEMBER 10, 2001 CITY OF A'T'LANTIC BEACH POINT REPAIRS-ANNUAL CONTRACT BID #9900-24 AUGUST 30, 2000 3 P.M, Required Documents JOHN WOODY, INC. C:RUIIN-MAY, INC. Original lnsurance Certificates Documentation of Worker's Compensation X-Mod / Rating ~/ Three (3) References, including PAX Nurnbct-s Proof of Underground Utility Contractor's License (/~ Certified Financial Statements for the last two (2) / years ~/ Completed W-9 Form Signed Copy of.Document Requirement Checklist n ~ Mn ~ {~. x ~ I 4`~`T4~.ou Wilting Itetns for Manpower & Fquiptnent; Onc Three (3) Man Crew Per Hr./8 Hrs. g o ~ /g ~ /~fb ~~-2° g ~ /g ~r // ~'~ ~~n due Six (G) Man Crew Per TTaur/8 Hrs. g~ ~ pd /g~~ g /~Qcp /g/~~ lquipment, Tracked Excavator per Hr./8 Hrs. g ~Q o0 /g Ffo;'/l~ g ~J~ /g G~lj~ ~~ Equipment, Pront F,nd Loader/Backhoe per Hr./8 Tlrs. g ~jj °O /$ r' per' $ ~ J~OC1 /$ ~~ Dewatcring Equipment per Hour/8TIr, $ ~C>S~ /g~~ap~ g Q oo /g ~~QUl I.ifiing Hydraulic Crane per Hour/8 Hr. g 5a'I /g dcr0 $ ~ ,~'t/~ /$ l ¢~ Mobilization per T~Tour/8 ITr. g Jr'~Q~ /g~~~aG g ~~ /god Overhead & Profit %/8 Hr. ~ %/$ ~ ~~' o/n/g ~~~ .TOTAT, R HOUR COST $ ~ ~;ag, ~ $ ~ ,~~,~(~ Premium for Weekend or Holiday Work "7 5 % O AGENDA ITEM #8A SEPTEMBER 10, 2001 pgPAgY7y~pSPUBLTC WpttitS 1200 SANDPIPER LANE A7I.ANTIC BEACH, }10RII)A 32233-4318 ~,~p}ptip: (906) 267-5836 FAX: (904) 247.5863 Sf>r1COM: 852.5836 httpa/o.etlaaGc-0each.Pl.us August 30, 2002 Mr: Gordon Cr[uhn Gtuhn May, Itsc. 6897 Phillips Pazkway Dr. N. Jacksonville, FL 32256 RE: Eatensioa of Bid No. 9900-2Q hear Mi. Cxuhn: As you are aware, the annual contract with the City of Atlantic Beach for point repairs expires at the end of September 2001. We would like to extend the corttr.tct for another year at the current prices, if this is acceptable to your company. If acceptable, please sign below and retumto mo before September 4, 2002, s4 [ can pzepaze a staff report for the City Commission. ' We look forwazd to reWrrimendiag that we coatinue our cotltraet with your company. Sit rely, ~. nna ICaluzstiak Utilhy Director GRUHN MA'Y, INC. AGREES TO ERTEND THE CONTRACT WITH TH8 CITY OF ATLANTIC REACH AT THE PRICY~S SUBMITTED IM BID N0.9900-24 FOR AN ADAITIONAL YEAR B$GINNING OCTOBER I, 2002. Gordon Gruhn D