Exh 8BAGENDA ITEM #8B SEPTEMBER 10, 2001 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Annual Storm Water Report to Florida Department of Envronmental Protection. SUBMITTED BY: Robert S. Kosoy, P.E./Director of Public Works DATE: August 28, 2001 BACKGROUND: The United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) issued the City, as a joint pernuttee with the City of Jacksonville and the Florida Department of Transportation, a permit to discharge storm water under the National Pollutant Dischazge Elimination System (NPDES) on April 1, 1997. As part of this permit, we aze required to submit an annual report to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection by October 1, 2001. This report includes a list of contacts and responsible personnel, an overall evaluation of the Storm Water Management Program, a summary table of the Storm Water Management Plan elements, a succinct narrative report and a fiscal analysis. This report will be used for the city renewal of MS4 permit. The City Commission must review or be apprised of the content of the annual report. RECOMMENDATION: The City Commission to review the annual report, acknowledge receipt and authorize the City Manager to sign a statement that the Comrs~ission has received a copy of the report. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Atlantic Beach Storm Water Management Program Annual Report for Year Four. (Notebook) 2. List of Definitions (5 Pages) REVIEWED BY CITY