Exh 3AAGENDA ITEM #3A OCTOBER 8, 2001 October 1, 2001 MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members ofthe City Conunission FROM: Jim SUBJECT: Follow-up Reserved Panting Signs for Elected Officials; A suggestion was made at the last City Commission meeting that pazking be reserved for Commissioners at the times of Commission meetings. After checking with the sign company, staff has determined that five "Reserved Parking" signs can be purchased for a couple of hundred dollazs. These would. be approximately equivalent to the signs used by realtors to advertise properties for sale. If it is the desire. of the Mayor and Commission thaf we put these. signs out before each Commission meeting, the igns can be ordered and delivered within a few weeks. Turtle. Nests Destroyed by Tropical Storm Gabrielle;. During the report at the last meeting of damages from Tropical Storm Gabrielle, a question. was asked about how many turtle nests were lost during the beach erosion on September 16"'. Accordmgly to the Beaches Sea Turtle Patrol, three of the remaining nests were damaged'and four were destroyed. Fortunately, most of the nests this season had already hatched by the time of the storm. Attached for your information is a portion of the. list of sea turtle nests as contained in the website for the Beaches Sea Turtle Patrol The records aze in chronological order so only the nests on this last page were affected by the storm Allegations of Over Billing for Catch Basin Construction; Stephen Kuti alleged at the last Commission meeting that the City had paid more than once for the construction of a catch basin located at the intersection of Sandpiper and Donner Lane. This is not the.first time this allegation has been raised. Mr. Kuti brought it to my attention last yeaz. After personally looking at the records and inspecting 15 catch basins thatwererincluded in,this drainage project, I concluded that the City had not been billed more than once for the catch basin in question. A letter dated December 12, .2000 was sent to Mr. Kuti along with project drawings explaining which contractor was paid for each storm drain. installation. A copy ofthat letter is attached along wither list of storm drains that were charged by the City's contractor on this project; Petticoat Construction. The stone drain that Mr. Kuti is referring to is on the east side of Sandpiper Lane and is not included among the catch basins that Petticoat was paid for, AGENDA ITEM #3A OCTOBER 8, 2001 Bond Pavments; Comments have been made by some candidates for office in Atlantic Beach that the City has not paid any of the principal from our' 1996 Utility; Revenue Bonds. That statement is not correct. The City has been making principal and interest payments in accordance with the schedule of debt repayment included in the original documents of the bond sale for several years. Attached for your use is a copy of the principal and interest schedule. At the 9/24/01 Commission meeting, Stephen Kuti reported that he had been in contact with Dave Miracle from the Water Management District, and learned that Aikenhead & Odom had not discussed the 75% plans with them as Mr. Aikenhead said during his 8/13/01 presentation to the City Commission. At the 8/13/01 City Commission meeting, Commissioner Mitchelson asked Mr. Aikenhead if the St. Johns Water Management District had been kept appraised of the work during the process. Neil said that he had kept them informed and felt very co~dent that the design would. be approved. Hedid not say that he submitted 75% plans, because there was no reason to. He submitted the 90% plans to the SJWMD at the end of August. Mosquito Control; City Staffwas asked to contact the City of Jacksonville to arrange for additional mosquito spraying. COJ employees have reported that they flew the azea from Jacksonville twice during the week of 9/24-28 for mosquitoes. They: had Alarmed to spray the week of 10/1 to 10/5, but could not spray when the air temperature in the mornings was less than 60 degrees. Consequently; they may substitute the less efficient truck sprayers a couple ofevenings. Children Plavina Sian at Rose Park; A suggestion from PattPillmore at the last Commission meeting. was to add a warning sign on Orchid Street adjacent to Rose Pazk to notify drivers of children playing. The Police Department has investigated this recommendation and believes it to be a good idea. The Public Works Department has been asked to erect the sign in the neaz future. Whv Sherry Drive is Bumpv; Many people have complained about the bumpy pavement on Sherry Drive for many years. People have suggested that it resulted from a tack of maintenance by the City or improper compaction of utility cut-irrs.' The best information available to the City until now has been that a lack. ofbase material under the road is the primazy cause. However, now that the waterline construction is well along toward completion, a number of interesting finds have been uncovered: Several old trunks from palm trees have been buried under the roadbed along with other debris and at least one abandoned brick vault has been discovered. Some of the debris has been removed by the waterline contractor and the remainder will be removed and a proper base installed before the project is complete. AGENDA ITEM #3A OCTOBER 8, 2001 Page from Beaches Sea Turtle. Patrol List of Nests Disturbed by Storm 9/27/01 55 JuL 17 13th St., AB (+) 09/1 1 09/12 ~_ . Empty shells visible in haN-washed nest. 56 , Jul. 22 Tiffan b the-Sea, AB y- y 09/16 09/16 Water damage 9/t7:A 09/17, Patched sand 9/16:A due to 57 Jul. 22 Tiffany-by-the-Sea, AB 09/16 09/19 storm. 58 Jul 24 Daws St , NB O 09/19 y Gabriel eawa 9/16 due to TS 59 Jul. 24 LG, HP (-) 09/19 09/15 Early due to TS Gabrielle 60 ~ Jul. 28 ~ 4335/4337 Duval Dr., J6 09/23 ~ ~ Washed away 9116 due to TS Gabrielle 61 - Jul. 29:= Tiffany-by-the-Sea, AB (- , 09124 ' Eggs visible, resanded 9/16:A. W t tl 9l17 A ~ ) a er amage : . 62 Jul._29 Gazebo, HP (-) 09!24 09/15 Early due to TS Gabneue ~ Washed away 9/16 due to TS 63 Jul. 30 20th St AB O 09/25 ~ Gabnelle _... 64 . Aug 01 ~ _.... . __ .. _ _ .. 2601 Ocean Dr S , JB 09/26 Intact after TS Gabrielle __ __ 65 AUg 19th St , AB (+) 09/30 Eggs visible, sand patched 9116. 05 Re-bermetl w/sand 09117, 9/18 & 9/24. i Aug. Washed away 9/16 due to TS 66' 8th St., AB (++) . 10/08 -- 13 i Gabrietle Aug. Wellness Tr, E (Lot 3-4), 67 TBA ~ Leathefiack Est after 10!12 15 HP (---) AGENDA ITEM #3A OCTOBER 8, 2001 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 BEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233-5445 TELEPHpNE:;(904) 247-5800 FAX: (904) 247-5805 SUNCOtvt( 852-5800 http://ci.atlantiabeach.fl.us December 12, 2000 Mr. Stephen Kuti 1132 Linkside Drive Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 RE: 1999 Stormwater Improvements Project Deaz Mr. Kuti; This letter is to respond to your letter of December 6~` and the issues that you raised in our meeting on December 7"`. The primary issue that you raised was'a question about whether the City had paid more than once for the installation of the storm drain which is lgcated on the east side of Sandpiper Lane close to Donner Road. This storm drain and'approximately 40 feet of pipe under Sandpiper Lane was installed by Gruhn-May in April of 1999. It was not included in the work included in the 1999 Stormwater System Improvements Project which was awarded to Petticoat Contracting Company. The 1999 Stormwater Improvements Project was funded in the City's fiscal yeaz 1999-2000 budget. It included drainage improvements on Donner Road, Seminole Roadand Pine Street. The City's 99-00 budget also included a resurfacing project and one of the streets to be resurfaced was Sandpiper Lane. After initial discussions with the City's engineer designing the Stormwater Improvements Project, it was appazent that a new storm drain line would be needed along Donner Road beginning on the east side of the Sandpiper Lane intersection and continuing west for several hundred yazds. Because the City's resurfacing project preceded the 1999 stormwater improvements work, the City wasfaced with a choice of either constructing the storm drain inlet and line under Sandpiper Lane as a separate project before bidding the larger wvork, or of having a newly resurfaced Sandpiper Lane to be cut open a few months after resurfacing to install the drain line. Obviously, it made more sense to have the new line under Sandpiper Lane constructed prior to the resurfacing. Consequently, the City used our point repair contractor. (Gruhn-May) to construct the catch basin and approximately 40 feet of line under Sandpiper Lane. The cost of this storm drain inlet and line was $4934.00. You already have a copy of the purchase order and invoice. The bid invitation for the 1999 Stormwater Improvements Project was sent out in August of 1999 with bids being received and awarded to Petticoat Construction. Company at the City Commission meeting on September 21, 1999. The final bid specifications called'for Petticoat to construct 14 AGENDA ITEM #3A s OCTOBER 8, 2001 catch basins on the three streets referenced earlier. Fifteen catch basins were ultimately constructed because of a conflict with other utilities that .could. be eased with tike addition of one catch basin. However, the City only paid Petticoat for 14. Those are listed on the Petticoat payment number three dated 4/13/00. I believe you already have a copy of this bill. Enclosed for your information is a copy of Drawing Number 14 from the final; specifications for the 1999 Stormwater project. You will notice the catch basin in question located on the east side of Sandpiper Lane is labeled "DRS-1". I have highlighted the note on that page that indicates catch basin DRS-1 was built "by others"; and was noti a part of the work done by Petticoat. One of the other issues you raised was about the elevation of the catch basin on the east side of Sandpiper Lane. You will also notice on Drawing Number I4 hat the specifications. show the grate elevation at 14.00 with the bottom of the Swale at elevation of 1.3:50. The catch basin was intentionally designed of this elevation so that some water would be retained in the Swale during a rain event. In effect, the swell becomes a mini retention basin, and helps to alleviate down stream flooding The location of the 15 catch basins installed by Petticoat are described on the attached page. The drawing that was attached to my letter of December 22, 1999 to Dick Hillazd was prepared by Public Works for the purpose of answering some questions that Mr. Hillard had asked. The wording that indicated "drainage structure and piping under Sandpiper installed last fiscal year by Public Works" was merely for the purpose of differentiating that drainage structure from the work done by Petticoat under thelazger drainage project. The City had,caused the tructure to be installed eazlier, and this notation was not intending to imply chat City employees themselves had. done the work. In summary, there were a total of 16 catch basins. installed in connection with the Stormwater improvements on Donner Road, Seminole Road and Pine Street. One of those (on the east side of the Donner/Sandpiper intersection) was installed by Gruhn-May. The other 15 were installed by Petticoat, although the City only paid directly for 14 of those. The last was installed as a no cost change order because it saved some other work in utility relocation that would have been required had it not been installed. If I can be of any further assistance to you,. please do not hesitate to ask. I am, Very truly rs, _~ Ji anson ity Manager cc: John Meserve, Mayor of Atlantic Beach AGENDA ITEM #3A OCTOBER 8, 2001 Catch Basins Installed with the 1999 Stormwater Improvements Project By Petticoat Construction. 1. DRS-lA; Located on the west side of Sandpiper Lane and Donner Road (Drawing 14). 2. DRS-2; Located at the wastewater plant on Donner Roadon the. sauth side of the street (Drawing 14). 3. DRS-3; Located on Donner Road on the south aide of the street (Drawing l4). 4. DRS-4; Located on Donner Road on the south side of the street at Jordan Street: 5. DRS-5; Located on Donner Road on the south side of the. street at prances Avenue. 6. DRS-6; Located on Donner Road on the south side of the street, just west of Richard Lane. 7. DRS-7; Located on Donner Road on the north side of the street, by the City: Lift Station "C". 8. DRS-8; Located nn Donner Road on the south side of the street across from Lift Station "C". 9. SPS-1; Located on Seminole Road between Seaspray and Palm Avenue in front;of house 341. 10. SPS-2; Located on Seminole Road between Seaspray and Palm Avenue; house number 351. 11. SPS-3; Located on Seminole Road between Seaspray and Pahn Avenue; house, number 361. 12. SPS-4; Located on Seminole Road between Seaspray and Palm Avenue; house number 36'7. 13. SPS-SA; Located on Seminole Road between Seaspray and Palm Avenue; house number 381. 14, SPS-5; Located on the south east comer of Palm Avenue and Seminole Road. ' I5. PS-1; Located on the north eastcorner of David Street and Pine Street. AGENDA ITEM #3A OCTOBER 8, 2001 Schedule of Debt Service Princi al and Interest Pa ments 1996Utili lrteuenrreSonds Bond Year Ending October 1 Principal Interest Total Deb[ Service 1996 704,422 '?04,422 1997 1,207,580 1,207,580 1998 395,000 1,207,580 1,602,580 1999 4!0,000 1,192,175 •,602,115 2000 425,000 1,175,365 ;1,600,365 2001 445,000 1,157,090 1,602,090 2002. 463;000 1,137,5 FO 1,602,510. 2003 485,000 1,116;585 1,601;585 2004 510,000 1,094,275 4,604,275 2005 530,000 1,070,305 :1,600,305 2006 555,000 1,044,865 4,599,865 2007 585,000 1,017,670 1,602.670 2008 615,000 981,835 1,602,835 2009 645,000 955,855 '1,600,855 2010 680,000 921,670 '1,601,670 201 I 720,000 884,950 :x,604,950 2012 755,000 845,350 '1,600,350 2013 800,000 803,825 .1,603,825 2014 845,000 759,825 '.1,604,825 2015 890,000 713,350 '1,603,350 2016 940,000 664,400 X1,604,400 2017 990,000 612,700 '1,602;700 2018. 1,045,000 558.250 :1,603,250 2019 1,100,000 500,775 "1,600,775 2020 1,160,000 440,275 .1,600,275 2021. ~ 1,225,000 376,475 '. 1.60 Y,475 2022 1,295,000 309,100 1,604,100 2023 1,365,000 237,875 x1,602,875 2024 1,440,000 162,800 :1,602,800. 2025 1,520,000 83,600. ~. 1,603,600 TOTAL $22,835,000 $23,944,332 $46,779,332 131 ~J~ f' ~~r ~d( ~r