Exh 4CAGENDA ITEM #4C OCTOBER 8, 2001 STAFF REPORT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AGENDA ITEM: Beach Avenue Water Main Replacement, Bid No. 0001-23 SUBMITTED BY: Donna Kaluzniak, Utility Director DATE: October 1, 2001 BACKGROUND: Replacement of the 3-inch through 6-inch water main on Beach Avenue from Ahern Street to 8`~ Street with a new 8-inch water main is recommended in the Water Master Plan, and was originally designed as part of the Utilities 2000 Project using the directional bore method of installation, for which bids were received in September, 2000 and April, 2001. Because bid prices were over the budgeted amount, on May 14, 2001 the City Commission rejected all bids for the Beach Avenue Water Main portion of Utilities 2000, and authorized staff to advertise requests for proposals to complete this part of the project using the design build delivery method. The designlbuild delivery method (which was previously used for the Dutton Island Culvert Replacement) is based on a review and scoring of technical proposals, which include the contractor's quaycations and a conceptual design, followed by bids. Award recommendation is based on the lowest adjusted score, which is computed by dividing the total project cost by the technical score, and not necessarily the low bid. Technical proposals were received on August 29; 2001 and were ranked by staff based on technical and management criteria and project schedule. Price proposals for Bid No. 0001-23 were opened on September 5, 2001. Prior to reading the bid prices, technical scores were announced. Contractor/ Totat Project Cost Technical Score Adjusted Score Construction Method Gruhn May, Inc./ $271,899:50 71.00 3,829.57 Pipe Bursting Gruhn May, Inc/ $340,655.50 92.40 3,686.74 Open Cut Jensen Civil Construction/ $480,818.20 86.80 5,539.28 Pipe Bursting Milestone Industries,lnc./ $452,850:00 58.00 7,807.75 Pipe Bursting Ryan Eastern, Inc./ $348,285.75 47.00 7,410.33 Directional Drilling Southeast Pipe, Inc./ $309,026.00 30.60 10;098.88 Pipe Bursting Two bid prices were lower than the contractor/construction method recommended. AGENDA ITEM #4C OCTOBER 8, 2001 However, the Southeast Pipe, Inc. technical proposal received a very low score because their submittal was basically non-responsive, as they failed to include most of the items requested in the RFP. The Gruhn May, Inc./Pipe Bursting method received a low score because only a 4-inch replacement water main was proposed rather than the $-inch water main specified. AIso, the use ofhigh-density polyethylene (HOPE) pipe would require the City to stock special fittings for water services and repairs. BUDGET: A total of $350,000 was budgeted for the replacement of the Beach Avenue Water Main in the Water Distribution Account No. 400-5504-533-6300. RECOMMENDATION: Awazd the design build contract for Beach Avenue Water Main Replacement, Bid No. 0001-23, to Gruhn May, Inc. using the open cut method, in the amount of $340,655.50, and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract. ATTACHMENTS: 1. z. REVIEWED BY CITY Bid tabulation sheet. Proposal evaluation score sheet. Request for Proposals No. 0001-23 EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS FOR BEACH AVENUE WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT Firm Technical Criteria Management Criteria Project Schedule R S K D V K H E M T N T C W Average Scaled Value 50 POINTS 30 POINTS 20 POINTS SE Pipe Inc. ~ 27.00 ~ 0.00 ~ 3.60 30 25 20 ~58 20 30.60 Gruhn May, Ina Pi a Burslin 31.00 22.00 78.00 78 63 78 88 48 71.00 Gmhn May, Ina O en Cul 46.00 28.00 16.40 e6 86 96 98 96 82.40 Jensen Civil ConsV. - 41.00 28.60 17.20 87 90 87 93 77 86.80 Milestone Indusfdes, Inc. 29.00 9.00 20.00 60 50 60 70 50 58.00 Ryan, Inc. Easlem 27.00 76.00 10.00 65 50 55 35 30 47,00 O~ n c~ ~~ ~d z~ ~~ o~ o~ i-+ A C7 AGENDA ITEM #4C OCTOBER 8, 2001 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS NO.0001-23 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES DESIGN-BUH.D PROJECT FOR THE BEACH AVENUE WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT The City of Atlantic Beach is soliciting for proposals for the above design-build project. Because this is a design-build project, there will be two separate submittals: 1. Technical Proposals (RFP No. 0001-23): Three copies of the technical proposal(s) are to be delivered to Ms. Donna Kaluzniak, CEP, Utility Director, 1200 Sandpiper Lane, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 no later than 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, August 29, 2001. The package shall be marked: "RFP #0001-23 BEACH AVENUE WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT TECHl~TICAL PROPOSAL." Technical proposals shall meet the proposal requirements stated in Section 2.0 of the Request for Proposal (RFP), and shall be evaluated on the criteria as stated in Secfion 3.0 of the RFP. Each proposal will be evaluated and awarded a TECHNICAL SCORE prior to7eceiving price proposals. NO COST OR PRICING INFORMATION IS TO BE INCLUDED WITH THE TECHNICAL PROPOSAL. TECHNICAL PROPOSALS WHICH CONTAIN PRICING INFORMATION WILL BE DISQUALIFIED. 2. Price Proposals (Bid No. 0001-23): Each Design/Builder shall submit three (3) copies of the price proposal (bid) corresponding to their technical proposal in a separate, sealed package to the Purchasing Agent, 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 no later than 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 5, 2001. The package shall be marked> "BID #0001-23 BEACH AVENUE WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PRICE PROPOSAL". Thereafter, at 3:00 p.m., the price proposals will be opened at City Hall Commission Chambers, 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, FL. AT THE BID OPENING, TECHNICAL SCORES WILL BE ANNOUNCED FOR ALL TECHNICAL PROPOSALS RECEIVED, AND THEN PRICE. PROPOSALS WILL BE OPENED. PRICE PROPOSALS RECEIVED WITHOUT PRIOR SUBMITTAL OF A TECHNICAL PROPOSAL WILL BE DISQUALIFIED. 1.0 PROJECT INFORMATION 1.1 PROJECT NAME Page 1 of 9 AGENDA ITEM #4C OCTOBER 8, 2001 Design-Build Project for the Beach Avenue Water Main Replacement. 1.2 PROJECT LOCATION The project is located in the City of Atlantic Beach on Beach Avenue from Ahern Street to Club Drive. 1.3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Replacement of existing 3-inch to 6-inch water main with approximately 2,3501inear feet of fl- inch water main and 5301ineaz feet of 6-inch water main. Project will include replacement of existing water services, installation of fire hydrants, meters, meter boxes, valves, fittings and appurtenances as necessary. Pavement on Beach Avenue shall remain undisturbed, or entire width of roadway shall be completely replaced if open cutting is required. Consultant services will include prepazation of complete construction plans and specifications in accordance with City of Atlantic Beach and JEA standards, latest edition. Construction work will include installation of water mains, services and associated items, abandonment of existing water main, maintenance of traffic, and replacement of paving if necessary. 1.4 OTHER PROJECT REQUIREMENTS Payment and Performance Bonds must be submitted after the contract is awarded. 1.5 DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW This project was previously designed by Gee and Jenson Engineers, and required using directional bore technology. These plans and specifications are available for review of the Public Works office, 1200 Sandpiper Lane, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233. 1.6 CONTACT Any questions regazding this project should be directed to Ms. Donna Kaluzniak, Utility Director, at 904-247-5834 or through e-mail at dkaluzniak(a)ci.atlantic-beach.fl.us. 2.0 TECHNICAL PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS 2.1 GENERAL Each Firm being considered for this project is required to submit a Proposal. The Proposal shall include sufficient information to enable the City of Atlantic Beach (City) to evaluate the Page 2 of 9 AGENDA ITEM #4C OCTOBER 8, 2001 capability of the Firm to provide the desired services.. The data shall be significant to the project and shall be innovative, when appropriate, and practical. Discussions of pasf performances on other projects shall be minimized except as they relate to the proposed work. 2.2 APPROACH AND UNDERSTANDING OF THE PROJECT The Contractor shall present a plan for completing the specified work. The efficient use of manpower and materials shall be considered. Innovative. approaches for providing services may be discussed in the Proposal. Contractors may submit more than one proposal, however, each proposal shall be submitted separately and will be evaluated as such. The Contractor must adequately identify corresponding price proposals. 2.3 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS A summary progress schedule of anticipated major milestones and their associated phasing with other activities shall be provided in the Proposal. As a minimum, this schedule must address the following items: • Anticipated Award Date (October 8, 2001 or shortly thereafter) • Design Schedule • Design Reviews by the City • Geotechnical or Survey Investigations • Permitting (By each permit and its anficipated acquisifion time frame) • Design Review/Approval Milestones • Start of Construction • Construction Milestones and Phasing • Substantial Completion Date • Final Completion Date for all Work* * These dates shall become calendar date for completion of the contract (or part of the contract), modi£ed by approved extensions of time. 2.4 QUALIFICATIONS AND STAFFING PLAN The Contractor shall submit a summary of qualifications, including numbez of years the firm has performed similaz work, and a list of similaz past projects. The Contractor shall submit positive references, including fax numbers, from at least five (5) units of government in Florida who contract with the firm for construction of underground utilities. Page 3 of 9 AGENDA ITEM #4C OCTOBER 8, 2001 The Contractor shall submit proof that they are currently licensed as a General Contractor or Underground Ufility Contractor by the Florida Department of Professional Regulation qualified for underground utility construction, and shall have a minimum bf five yeazs experience in the installation of potable water main piping. The Contractor shall submit copies of their certified financial statements for the last two years. The Contractor shall submit written proof of insurance to serve Atlantic Beach. Required level of insurance can be obtained from the City's Purchasing Department. The Contractor shall have a Workers' Compensafion Insurance Experience Modification Rating ("X-Mod") of 1.0 or less, or a three year average X-Mod of 1.0 or less. The Contractor shall submit a staffing plan which cleazly illustrates the key elements of the organizational structure proposed to accomplish the management, technical, construction, and administrative services required. Project management and key personnel within each area of required services shall be identified and past experience of each, as it relates to this project, shall be discussed. Other items to be included in the discussion of the staffing plan are: Man-loading requirements (both quality and quantity) for all technical services. Man-loading capabilities for all team firms. Man-loading availability for the project. 2.5 RESPONSIBLE OFFICE Firms being considered for this project may have more than one office location. The office assigned responsibility for the work shall be idenfified in the Proposal. If different elements of the work will be done at different locations, those locations shall be listed. 2.6 OTHER APPROPRIATE DATA Other data demonstrating the ability of the Contractor to provide the desired services maybe included in the Proposal. 2.7 COORDINATION During the performance of the services, coordination must be maintained with,the City and/or other agencies. A suggested method for assuririg proper coordination shall be addressed in the Proposal. 2.8 PLAN SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. Preliminary design plans included with the Proposal shall include the following minimum information: Page 4 of 9 AGENDA ITEM #4C OCTOBER 8, 2001 General plan and technical discussion showing the following • Project limits • Location of proposed water main, services; and hydrants • Method of construction of water main • Materials of construction • Method of replacing roadway; if necessary • Major topographic features • Survey controls and bench marks • Basic material properties 1. Utility provisions 2. Proposed methods of construction 3. Maintenance of traffic provisions 4. Proposed method of abandoning existing water main 5. Preliminary specifications 6. Technical reports Preliminary design calculations 3.0 TECHNICAL PROPOSAL EVALUATION CRITERIA The Technical Review Committee shall review the Proposal submitted by each firm and shall establish a technical score for each firm based on the following criteria: ITEM MAXIMUM SCORE TECHNICAL CRITERIA 50 POINTS This criteria includes: a) Understanding the Scope of Work and Services b) Quality of Project Components Selected c) Maintainability d) Constructability ofdesign e) Pernitability Page 5 of 9 AGENDA ITEM #4C OCTOBER 8, 2001 f) Maintenance of traffic g) Environmental impact h) Aesthetics MANAGEMENT CRITERIA 30 POINTS This criteria includes: a) Experience and qualification of Firm(s) b) Sufficient staffing levels and availability c) Contractor's Demonstrated Interest in Minimizing the Adverse Effect of Construction Activifies on the Public d) Contractor's Demonstrated Interest in Controlling. Construction Operations so as to Achieve the Specified Level of Quality e) Experience of firm with design-build or previous joint contractor/consultant experience f) Location of Firm PROJECT SCHEDULE This criteria includes: 20 POINTS a) Design and Permitting Schedule, Including Geotechnical Services or Survey, and Ability to Meet Schedule b) Construction Schedule, and Ability to Meet Schedule TOTAL MAXIMUM SCORE: 100 POINTS 4.0 FINAL SELECTION OF DESIGN/BUILDER The City will publicly open the sealed Price Proposals. ABer the Bid Analysis has been completed, City staff will compute the adjusted score, by dividing each Design/Builder's price by the score received on the Technical Proposal Evaluafion Form. The City's intent is to recommend an awazd to the Design/Builder with the lowest adjusted score. However, the City reserves the right to recommend any awazd which is deemed in the best interest of the City. An example of how the adjusted score will be computed is as follows: Desien/Builder Price Proposal Technical Score Adiusted Score A $95,000 90 1055 B $90,000 80 1125 C $85,000 70 1214 Unless all proposals are rejected, City staff intends to recommend that the City Commission approve an award to the Design/Builder with the lowest. adjusted score. However, the City reserves the right to reject all proposals, waive technicalities or informalities, and award the Page 6 of 9 AGENDA ITEM #4C OCTOBER 8, 2001 contract believed to be in the best interest of the City. 5.0 PRICE PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS 5.1 GENERAL Each Design/Builder shall submit three (3) copies of the Price Proposal (bid). in a separate sealed package to the Purchasing Agent, 800 Seminole Road, Atlanfic Beach, FL 32233 by Wednesday, September 5, 2001 at 2:30 p.m. for the Beach Avenue Water Main Replacement. Thereafter, at 3:00 p.m., the bids will be opened in the City Hall Commission Chambers, 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, Florida. Bids shall be enclosed in an envelope endorsed "BID NO. 0001-23, BEACH AVENUE WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT, DESIGN/BUILD PROJECT, TO BE OPENED AT 3:00 PM, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEIvIBER 5, 2001." Each Price Proposal must identify by title the corresponding Technical Proposal if more than one proposal is submitted by any one Contractor. All price proposals will be opened in a scheduled public bid opening, after evaluation of the Technical Proposals has been completed. 5.2 PRICE PROPOSAL BREAKDOWN Page 7 of 9 AGENDA ITEM #4C OCTOBER $, 2001 Each Design/Builder shall submit a Price Proposal Breakdown, using the format show below. Provide units, quantities, unit prices, and total prices for each item of cost in the Schedule of Values for construction work. The quantities provided on the Price Proposal Breakdown Form will be the basis for verifying monthly pay requests, as well as the base from which to make adjustments to the Contract amount due to changes requested by the City. Description of Work Services: Design/Builder's Design Services Geotechnical, Survey and other Consultant Services (Specify) TOTAL SERVICES 2. Fees(Permits Costs: List all fees and permits, and state the cost for each. TOTAL FEES/PERMITS 3. Construction: Attach a detailed Schedule of Values identifying all major trades and line items of cost. TOTAL CONSTRUCTION Page 8 of 9 AGENDA ITEM #4C OCTOBER 8, 2001 TOTAL PROJECT COST (PRICE PROPOSAL) (Add Items a, b, and c) 5.3 BID SECURITY a) Each Bid shall be accompanied by a cashiers check drawn on any State or National Bank in Florida, or an acceptable Bidders Bond, payable unconditionally to the Owner, in an amount of five percent (5%) of the amount. of the total Bid. b) Failure of the successful Bidder to enter into the Contract in accordance with his Bid, or failure to famish the required bonds will be just cause for an annulment of the award. with the amount of the bid security being forfeited to the Owner as liquidated damages, not as a penalty. c) Should a Bid Bond be used, acceptable Surety companies shall be determined from the latest United States Treasury Department's list of companies holding .certificates of authority as acceptable Sureties on Federal Bonds. d) The Owner may retain the bid security of those Bidders to whom an award maybe considered until successful execution of the Contract and bonds, or until all Bids have been rejected. 5.5 OTHER DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH PRICE PROPOSAL a) W-9 Form b) Drug Free Workplace Forrn c) Trench Safety Affidavit Page 9 of 9