Exh 4DAGENDA ITEM #4D OCTOBER 8, 2001 ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: DATE: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSIONER MEETING STAFF REPORT Renewal of City Insurance (excluding Employee Benefits) George Foster, Human Resource Manager October 2, 2001 BACKGROUND: Effective October 1, 1999, the City awarded it's non-benefit insurance based upon the formal bid process and receipt of from 1 to 7 bid proposals being received for each of the insurances bid. We have now received the October 1, 2001 renewal rates for the City's insurance as follows: Twe 10/Ol/00 i0/O1/Ol RMA Automobile 35,343 48,654 37.66 RMA Property 33,125 ., 41,163 24.27 RMA General Liability 39,462 46,601 18.09 RMA Pub Off & Emp Liab 17,171 25,434 48.12 RMA Environmental 7,315 30,220 313.12 FMIT Workers' Comp* 158,710 200,988 26.60 FMIT Fiduciary 3,279 3,520 7.35 LB Bryan Police Statutory 624 648 3.85 RMA CrimefDishonesty 810 810 0.00 Totals: 295,839 398,038 35.55 FUNDING: As insurance renewal rates are not received until September, an estimate of $384,591 (+30%) was included within the FY2001G2002 budget. A budget modification will be submitted during FY2001/2002 for the additional $13,447. RECOMMENDATION: Above provided for information only. City staff is currently reviewing changing deductibles for the above policies versus savings in premiums. Additionally City staff is preparing a RFP to bid out the above insurance. ATTACHMENT: October 2001, Explanation of Increases. CITY MANAGER: _ ..... AGENDA ITEM #4D OCTOBER S, 2001 OCTOBER 2001 EXPLANATION OF INCREASES General Comments: - Nationally, loss ratio's for general liability is in the 50% range, Public Officials liability is in the 75°lo range, automobile in the 50% range, and property is in the range of 45% to 55%. - Florida public entities have seen an average price increase of 50% and rate increase of 30%. - Many insurance companies will not write property coverage within 30 miles of the coast. - Many insurance companies will not write property coverage on the.Eastern coast of Florida. Automobile (+37.66%): - Loss ratio of 68.33% - Number of vehicles increased by 14.5%. Property (+24.27%): - Loss ratio of 4.3% - Appraisal value of buildings and contents increased values by 23.4%. Liability: (General, Law Enforcement, and Public Officials and Employment Liability: - Combined increase of +27.2% (General/Law Enforcement of 18:09% and Public Officials and Employment Liability of 48.12%) - Loss ratio of 59.16% - Several caseSpending. Environmental: - Loss ratio of 0%. Workers' Compensation: - 10/2000 - 04/2001 - Current loss ratio of 98% - Five cases still open - One current open case over $50,000 - Two current open cases, each over $26,000 - 10/1999 - 09/2000 - Current loss ratio of 3.9% - Two cases still open 10/1998 - 09/1999 - Current loss ratio of 137.9% - Three cases still open - One open case over $118,000 - One closed case over $50,000