Exh 4EAGENDA YTEM #4E OCTOBER S, 2001 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Petition Concerning Use of Beach ccess at 14~' Street SUBMITTED BY: Jim Hanson,.City M DATE: October 2, 2001 BACKGROUND: Ronald and Sazah Storn have submitted the attached letter and petitions opposing the use of the 14~' Street Beach Access for construction of a home at 1393 Beach Avenue, which is adjacent to the access on the south side. It appears that some of the concerns' expressed in the petition aze based on incorrect information. The City gave the owners of the property at 1393 Beach Avenue permission in Mazch of 200.1 to utilize the southern most 20 feet of the beach access to install pilings in connection with a new. home to be located on that site. This use of the access was to be temporary per the owners request and expected to extend from'one to three weeks. It would not affect the sidewalk, which is located in the middle of the 50-foot public access. At no time would the access be closed to the public. Additionally, the contractor would install a temporary fence during the installation of pilings and would restore the access to its original condition immediately after use. No site plans or building permits have been submitted or approved at this point and the City has not approved closure of the access or use of the access for a long term as indicated by the. Storn's letter and petitions. The City has approved other owner's use ofportions ofbeach accesses in the past in connection with construction projects when the property is not readily accessible from Beach Avenue. Many Beach Avenue property owners have secondary buildings fronting on Beach Avenue, which limit the access to the beach side homes for construction purposes. BUDGET: There is no cost to the City anticipated. RECOMMENDATION: This report is made for information only. No action is recommended. ATTACHMENT: (1) Letter from Ronald and Sazah Storn dated September 27, 2001 and attached petition. (2) Letter from William Easton dated 3/28/01 requesting approval to use beach access (3) Letter from Bob Kosoy dated 3/26/01 approving use of beach access. INDEPENDENT LIVING HOMES/RESOI ocTO ER SE oo#iaE BY STORN CONSTRUCTION INC. Jim Hanson City Mnnnger 800 Seminole Rond Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 September 27, 2001 Dear Mr. Hanson: Enclosed is a petition from citizens of Atlantic Bench that do not want the Beach Access at 14th Street to be closed for construction purposes. The 14th Street Access was the first access beautification program in the city. The work was completed by local volunteers and is maintained by the citizens in the neighborhood. We are against destroying it for 6-9 months to build a home. We met with Don Ford and Sonya Doerr on August 29, 2001. At that meeting they confirmed that permission had already been given the Eastons to tear up the access.. We the citizens of the neighborhood feel this should not be done. We also met with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and they said that Atlantic Beach had the fine! say in this matter and we the citizens do not want the access torn up for construction purposes. Sincerely, ~~ % ~'' i Ronald M. Scorn Sarah A. Scorn 1409 SOUTH 3RD STREET • JAGKSONVILLE BEACH, FL 32250 904-247-3358 ,__ _ 904-725-ABLE FAX 904-247-3715 AGENDA YTEM #4E OCTO$ER 8, 2001 As resident of the City of Atlantic Beach, we want it to be know to fihe Environmentnl Protection Agency and the City of Atlantic .Beach that we vigorously object to the use of the 14th Street Beach Access being destroyed and used as a construction right. of way during the. construction of anew. home at 1393 Beach Avenue. The 14th Street Beach Access was the first Access in Atlantic Beach to be created and funded by neighborhood volunteers who used cuttings from their own yards to establish the first flower beds. The Access is continuously maintained by Steve Rosenbloom who`s property merges into the nccess and Bil{y Hatcher who works diligently to maintain a constant supply of flowering plants. The access is use by neighbors in a ix block urea, tunny who are children. In addition to large machinery and constant trucks, the walkway would be subject to loose lumber, nails, wires, and electrical equipment and may be closed for up to nine months. By our signature below we signify our objection to the use of the 14th 5'r~eet Access for construction of any kind. i.V`=~~,~r.~i.. ~'. ~ S~~L~~'.' L.1L~ ~~~~KLV. ..~j a _ ` GG' ~, ~/ /~ ~~ .~. ~'I n lU t U. I,C.C'~Q~gC.G(~t CP~UI.., ~'``~ /. ..-c"~' --z"" ~~ ~~~~`~, , ~ G c._, - ~ ~-- ~- ~z.-w i F~ ~ r > ~ ~ ' ^ ///ff~~ --~._. ~: AGENDA ITEM #4E OCTOBER 8, 2001 As resident of the City of Atlantic Beach, we want it to be known to the Environmental Protection Agenry and the. City of Atlantic Beach. that we vigorously object to the use of the 14th Street Beach Access being destroyed and used as a construction. right of way during the construction of n new home at 1393 Beach Avenue. The 14th Street Bench Access was the first Access in Atlantic Beach to be created and funded by neighborhood volunteers who used cuttings from their own yards to establish the first flower beds. The Access is continuously maintained by Steve Rosenbloom who's property merges into the access and Billy Hatcher who works diligently to maintain a constant supply of flowering plants. The access is use by neighbors in a six black area, many who are children. In addition to large machinery and constant trucks, the walkway would be subject to loose lumber, nails, wires; and electrical equipment and may be closed for up to nine months: By our signature below we signify our objection to the use of the 14th Street Access for construction of any kind. p .~ 6 ( = Gam' L~ - -~ ~}~~~-- ~~G/YI ~~~~5'"~: =- i..~J `J .~'~'EAc: H f~~c r/"~~ r C y' `/-LS'7 /7~L- ~ G / ~(} C ~ ~ ~ ac~F~~.°~ ~i ~~, -~ ~~ ~:c) z 135 13<r,~c~1(~w~" ~1~>jr~ 3L~ ~ ~3 2,t ~ '~ `~ In• T~~~ J ~ TO ivt~/ti.1 6 37 '3 z ~a 3z2~3 3 ~/j q /~ t ( l r ~-~ 3z~~3 .~y~ 1 ! ~ T (,~ (S` ~ L.: C:_y~ YG' ~G.~G t . ~~ ~C..L7G ~, ji. 7 J 1 AGENDA ITEM #4E OCTOBER 8, 2001 14th Street Access Closure ~~ _ 24 iYS~~ j~~c~ Qu-~- OCT-02-2001 TUE 08 48 AN ATL, BCH, PUBLIC WORKS .FAX N0. 904 247.5843' o ns AGENDA ITEM #4E OCTOBER 8, 2001 March 26, 2001 Mr. Robert Kosoy, P.E. City of Atlantic Beach 12,00 Sandpiper lane Atlantic Beach, FL 32233-4318 RE: Formal request to use public beach access at Beach Ave. and 14'^ Street Atlantic Beach, FL Oear Mr. Kosoy: As per our discussion, this letter is a format request to utilize the above referenced access for the purpose of installing pilings on the rear portion of our lot, which is immediately adjacent to the south. After.our brief usage, we wilt completely restore all affected areas into the condition prior to our use.. Thank you for your Consideration of our request. Sincerely, is .,%~~l` C William "Mac" Easton (904) 241-9876 r OCT-02-2001 TUE 08;47 Ail ATE, BCN. PUBLIC WORKS FAX N0, 904 247 5843 AGENDAITEM#4E OCTOBER 8, 2001 DEPARTMENT OFPU8LIC WORKS 1200 SANDPIPER LANE ATLANTIC BE1CK, Ft.ORWA32233.4318 TELEPHONE: (904)247-5834 FAX: (904) Z49-5843 SUNCAMc 852-5834 htsp:f/ei.atlantic-beach. fl. us March 28, 2001 Mr. William "Mac" Easton 1393 Beach Avenue Atlantic Beach, Ft_ 32233 RE: Request to Use Public Beach Access Dear Mr. Easton: It was. a pleasure meeting you and Jill on March 2Qm. We have reviewed your letter dated March 26ih formally requesting to use the public beach access at Beach Avenue and 14`" Street, and hereby approve your request. We require that you maintain sate access to the beach at alitimes and restore all areas immediately-after the work is complete. Best of luck in yow construction endeavor. Sincerely, Robert S. Kosoy, P.E. Director of Public Works cc~ Don Ford, Building Official George Worley, Community Development Director Timmy Johnson, Parks and Recreation Director R5K/~t