Exh 8AAGENDA ITEM #SA OCTOBER 8, 2001 STAFF REPORT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AGENDA ITEM: Groundwater Modeling and Additional Analysis of Reuse Feasibility in Support of the Consumptive Use Permit SUBMITTED BY: Donna Kaluzniak, Utility Directo~(~ ; DATE: .October 1, 2001 BACKGROUND: The application for renewal of the City's Consumptive Use Permit was submitted to the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) on July 30, 2001. The SJRWMD responded with Request for Additional Information,(RAI) No. 1 on August 28, 2001. A subsequent meeting was held with city staff, SJRWMD, and the consultant who prepared the application; Camp, Dresser & McKee (CDM) on September 19, 2001 to discuss further submittals required to renew the Consumptive Use Permit. The SJRWMD is requesting two items that wIll require additional engineering services. The Reuse Feasibility Study, though accepted by DEP for the permit renewal at Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 1, will need to be expanded as dscussedrduring the September 19 meeting with SJRWMD. Also, groundwater modeling needs to be conducted to demonstrate the City will meet permitting criteria. Fortunately, the modeling results. will also be useful to help the City determine locations of future wells and how to optimize operation of the wells to minimize interference and prevent water quality deterioration. The additional work on the reuse feasibility study will require a conceptual design for providing reclaimed water to the Selva Mazina Golf Course through Howell Park, which will also allow abandonment of the existing artesian well, as required by the SJRWMD. This represents a considerable effort, and the price proposal from CDM for this work is $11,572. SJRWMD was contacted and verified the level of effort for the. groundwater modeling. The groundwater modeling, data reducfion and reporting will cost $25,190: Project coordination and meetings with staff and regulatory agencies will be billed on an hourly. basis not to exceed $8,360. The total cost for additional work to respond to the... RAI will not exceed $47,399. BUDGET: One-half of the cost for the reuse feasibility work, or $5,786, can be funded by the $10,000 grant from SJRWMD, and the remainder can be funded under miscellaneous professional services in the Water Production Account Na'400-5502-533- 3100. There is $70,000 budgeted for groundwater well data collection and analysis required by SJRWMD under the Water Production Account No. 400-5502-533-6300. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Camp, Dresser & McKee to conduct the Groundwater Modeling and Additional Analysis of Reuse Feasibility in Support of the Consumptive Use Permit as an extension of their existing contract for an amount not to exceed $47,399. AGENDA ITEM #8A OCTOBER 8, 2001 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Proposal from Camp, Dresser & McKee, Exhibit A.3. REVIEWED BY CITY MANAG ._~, AGENDA ITEM #8A OCTOBER 8, 2001 This is EXHIBIT A.3, consisting of 5 pages, referred to in and part of the Agreement between OWNER and ENGINEER for Professional Services dated December 12, 2000. Initial: OWNER ENGINEER ENGINEER'S Services Article 1 of the Agreement is amended and supplemented to include the. following agreement of the parties. ENGINEER shall provide Basic and Additional Services as set forth below. PART 1-BASIC SERVICES CDM Project No.: Title of Project: Groundwater Modeling and Additional Analysis of Reuse Feasibility in Support of the Consumptive Use Permit 1.0 DESCRIPTION OF TASK ORDER The work effort to be completed by CDM for Task Order No. 2000- consists of performing groundwater modeling of the City of Atlantic Beach's water supply system and additional analysis of reuse feasibility as required by the St. Johns River Water Management District request for additional information (RAI) dated August 28, 2001 on the Consumptive Use Permit application. 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES TASK I -Additional Analysis of Reuse Feasibility As part of a September 19, 2001 meeting with the SJRWMD, it was agreed that reclaimed water service to the SeIva Marina Country Club represented the least cost reuse option to the City: Currently, the golf course withdraws water at two locations form a creek on its eastern boundary for use as irrigation. This creek receives stormwater and groundwater from a free flowing well. An existing weir structure downstream of the'golf course, intended to retain fresh water and prevent the inland movement of brackish water, is reported to be in poor repair. As a result, saltwater periodically moves.: upstream creating problems for the golf course. The City has retained a consultant to design an improved weir structure. CDM will coordinate with the City's consultant to obtain design drawings ~M Camp Dresser & McKee lsti ~ 1' CUP RA12.doc / t0l'I/Ot AGENDA ITEM #8A OCTOBER 8, 2001 of the structure. The Selva Marina site has reportedly contacted the. S7RWIvID about permitting a new irrigation well. Previous analysis of the feasibility of this option determined it to be cost prohibitive. However at the request of the SJRWNID, CDM will develop and present additional information on this alternative. This will include the following: Evaluation of FDEP permitting issues associated with the discharge of reclaimed water at or near Howell Pazk. This will be dependent on the current classification (if any) of this water body. Planning level estimate of groundwater conserved by plugging the free flowing well. ^ Conceptual design of facilities required to implement this reuse system dtems will include: - construction of treatment processes required to achieve part III reuse quality (filters, chlorine contact, etc.) - yard piping and transfer pumping - transmission piping to Howell Park - dischazge structures - improvements to the weir in the creek - SCADA to link water level information at the weir to the discharge structure. Per FDEP policy, the discharge or reclaimed water into storage must cease prior to reaching the overflow point of the weir: ^ Conceptual level cost estimates of the proposed reuse system. ^ Financial feasibility of the proposed reuse system. This will include: estimated financial contributions from the golf course based on the cost they would incur for a new irrigation well - remaining costs after golf course contributions - impacts to current rate structures to support implementation of the golf course reuse system ^ Determination of Feasibility CDM c~,p o~ ~ M~Kee ~a~. 2 CUP RAI2.doc / 10/1/01 AGENDA ITEM #8A OCTOBER 8, 2001 TASK 2 - Groundwater Modeling In response to item 3 of the request for additional information, groundwater modeling is required to evaluate the affects of pumping the Atlantic Beach water supply system, on an individual basis and in combination with other regional pumping (cumulative impacts), on the water resources of northeast Florida. To accomplish this, CDM will obtain a copy of the SJRWMD's groundwater model of northeast Florida and use this model to perform the necessary simulations. As described in SJRWMD Technical Publications SJ97-2 and SJ2000-4, the northeast Florida model is a calibrated MODFLOW model ofthe Floridan aquifer system that has undergone extensive peer review. MODFLO W lis a numerical groundwater flow modeling code developed by the United States Geological Survey (McDonald and Harbaugh, 1985). For this task, CDM. will perform the following activities: ^ Obtain the input and output files for the northeast Florida model from the SJRWMD along with the necessary GIS basemaps for the model • Run the model using the input files provided by the SJRWMD and check the output against the output provided by the District • Modify the MODFLOW WELL file to include the 1995 pumping from the City of Atlantic Beach water supply wells and run the model. Model output will consist of groundwater elevations within the entire model. domain. ^ Modify the MODFLOW WELL file to include the 2015 pumping from the City of Atlantic Beach water supply wells and run the model. Model output will consist of groundwater elevations within the entire model domain. ^ Import the groundwater elevations for the 1995 and 2015 simulations into SURFER and contour the difference in elevation CDM wi[[ develop maps of groundwater elevations for 1995 and 2015 and a map of the difference in elevations. CDM will prepare a brief report describing the modeling input, assumptions, model output along with supporting tables and graphs. This report will then be submitted to the SJRWMD in support oftkxe CUP. In addition to supporting the CUP application, this model can be used to help the City decide on where to place new wells and. associated pumping rates that will allow the City to continue meeting fixture potable water demands in conjunction with other legal users in the region. Since the City is located along the coast, their water supply system is vulnerable to salt water intrusion. Excessive groundwaterlevel drawdown due to pumping produces saltwater intrusion and upcoming. This model can be used to not only place but also how to operate the wells to m;n;m;~e hydraulic interference between wells to *n;n;m;~e water level drawdown and ultimately deterioration of raw water quality. CDM ca.ap o~ ~ M~K~ iM. 3 . cuP aai2.aoo ~ iai~ro~ - AGENDA ITEM #8A OCTOBER B, 2001 TASK 3 -Meetings and Project Coordination CDM would attend two meetings with the SJRWMD and two meetings with the City of Atlantic Beach. The first regulatory meeting is to get clarification on the groundwater modeling and to discuss the need for additional analysis of reuse feasibility. The second regulatory meeting will be to discuss the contents of the 12AI response with particulaz emphasis on the findings of the more detailed reuse feasibility study and. the groundwater modeling. The two meetings with the client will be held to periodically update the city on the progress and findings of tasks 1 through 3 above prior to meeting with the SJRWMD and submitting a formal response. 3.0 ASSISTANCE OR DATA TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CITY In order to complete Task 1 the following work will be required by City staff: City staff will accompany CDM personnel. on a tour of the Selva Marina Golf Course and existing water supply system. This will include inspection ofthe artesian well, golf course pump stations and flow control weir. The City will provide CDM with information regazding proposed rehabilitation of the flow control weir. 4.0 TIME OF COMPLETION It is estimated that it will take approximately 60 days from receipt of the City's written notice-to-proceed to complete Tasks 1 through 3 above. 5.0 COMPENSATION AND PAYMENTS The method of calculating fees was previously established in Attachment C of the Master Services Agreement dated December 12, 2000 for the estimated level of effort. The lump sum fee for Tasks 1 and 2 inclusive, as shown in Table A.3-1, is $39,03:9. CDM will submit monthly invoices to the City based on the percent of work completed. Task 3 will be invoiced monthly at approved hourly rates and will not exceed the upper limit of $8,360. CDM ~ o~. & M~xee >~. 4 CUP_RAI2.doc / 10/i/Ot Table A.3-1. Summery of Estimated ProJecl Costs' Clly of Atlantic Beach, Florida SJRWMD Consumptive Usa Permit Request for Additional Information Grountlweter Modeling and Additional Analysis of Reuse Feasibility Task No. 2000- Lump bum Senior Technical Senior Project Design - Atlvisor Olficar Manager Engineer Designer Droner Clencel Total Total Work Task Desctlplion 3137.50 5121.00 580.00 $86.00 55].]5 $de50 535]5 Manhours Cosl 1 Adtlillonel Analyslc o/Reuse Feasi5ilily 8 12 6 60 40 24 24 186 $ 11,5]2 2 Grountlwaler MOtleling Te Dala Collodion BSJRWMO Coortlinelion 2 4 18 40 0 0 8 - 68 $ 5,093 2D Pertorm Pumpirip Simdla0onc 4 12 2d 80 ~ 0 6 B 192 S t0,07fi 2c Prepare Modeling flepon 6 a 2d d0 8 32 40 152 $ 10.021 20 3s 7z ~ 2zD ae Ba eB szo Lump Sum Labor Total S 36,782 Other DireG Costs copies 1,600 Lig S 0.10 $1fi0 bluelines 15 ~ 3 1.25 Y19 - mylars o (@ $ 11.00 30 pe 76 ~ S 1T.00 3912 ecetl 56 (,~ 3 20.00 31,1T0 lax TO (~ E 1.00 $20 express mail 4 (ly S B00 $32 courier 2 S ].00 $14 Lump Sum ODC Total i 2,277 Lrim Sum Project Coat S 39,0]9 Nabto-Exo4etl - Sanbr TeMnical Senior Project Design AtlNsor ORCer Manager Engineer Designer Orafler Clerical Total Tdal Work Tesk Desaiplian $137.50 5121.00 588.00 Y66.00 557.75 Sd9.50 535.75 Manhours Cosl 9 Meetings a Project Coordination 20 72 32 16 0 0 8 68 S 8,360 20 12 32 18 0 0 8 6B ' Not-T,o-Exceed Labor Total S 8,360 Total Eslimatetl Pro act Cosl S 47,399 AB cuP_xnix norzrzoor o ,~ H t47 ~C ~ ti ~ ~ N O O ~ H ~ a