Exh 8DAGENDA ITEM #8D NOVEMBER 12, 2001 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Professional Engineering Services -Assessment of the Atlantic Beach Floridan Aquifer Production Wells SUBMITTED BY: Donna Kaluzniak, Utility Direct DATE: November 1, 2001 BACKGROUND: .The City is in the process of renewing the potable water Consumptive Use Permit for the Atlantic Beach and Buccaneer districts through the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD). During a.pre-application meeting, the SJRWMD noted that the City would be required to perform geophysical and video logging of our eight wells as part of the permitting process. This process includes pulling the well pumps, inspecting and televising the wells, and measuring various pazameters to determine the integrity of the well casings and sanitary seals, checking for voids in the open hole sectiom of the wells, and determining their overall condition. Camp, Dresser & McKee (CDM) is assisting the City in the permitting process and staff requested a proposal to perform the above work and provide an analysis and recommendations based on their findings for the four wells in the Atlantic Beach District. The City Commission approved geophysical and video logging of the four wells in the Buccaneer District in August 2001, and this work has been completed. CDM has submitted a proposal to perform the above work in the amount pf $39,597. The scope and cost for the four Atlantic Beach wells are exactly the same as for the previously approved Buccaneer District wells. CDM will. use W. Earl Floyd & Son, the contractor who has performed the majority of our well installation and repair work, to pull the wells and conduct the video and geophysical logging. CDM will provide a professional geologist to be on-site during this work, to observe and review the findings and make recommendations for well repairs, rehabilitation or replacement. CDM will provide drawings for any modifications recommended or made during the project. The expected time to complete. this work is 2 - 3 days per well. If the findings show that immediate repairs or modifications aze needed, staff would like to perform this work immediately, while the wells aze akeady off-line and the pumps pulled, if possible. For this work, the City would contract directly with W. Earl Floyd & Son, at a rate of $85.00 per hour; plus materials in an amount not to exceed $20,000. BUDGET: A total of $70,000 was budgeted in the Water Utility Fund, under account number 400-5502-533-6300 for this work. AGENDA ITEM #SD NOVEMBER 12, 2001 RECOMMENDATION: Award the contract for Assessment of the Atlantic Beach Floridan Aquifer Production Wells to Camp, Dresser & McKee in the amount of $39,597, and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract. Authorize staff to proceed with any necessary repairs not to exceed $20,000, with a follow up report on the activities and costs as soon as they are avaIlable. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Proposal from Camp, Dresser & McKee. REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: _~ - ~- AGENDA ITEM #8D NOVEMBER 12, 2001 This is EXHIBIT A.2, consisting of 2 pages, referred to in and part of the Agreement between OWNER and ENGINEER for Professional Services dated Decemberl2, 2000. Initial: OWNER ENGINEER ENGINEER'S Services Article 1 of the Agreement is amended and supplemented to include the following agreement of the parties. ENGINEER shall provide Basic and Additional Services asset forth below. PART 1-BASIC SERVICES CDM Project No.: Title of Project: Assessment and Maintenance of the Atlantic Beach Floridan Aquifer Production Wells 1.0 DESCRIPTION OF TASK ORDER The work effort to be completed by CDM for Task Order No. 2000- consists of the resident oversight of contractors involved in removing the pumps from four Floridan aquifer production wells located at the Atlantic Beach Water Treatment Plants. The pumps will be inspected for build up of minerals (calcification) and general maintenance, repair and evaluation. Following the removal of the pump from the well, the well will be logged with video and. geophysics to evaluate the condition of the well. 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES TASK 1-Project Planning CDM will develop a scope of services for the evaluation of the Atlantic Beach Floridan aquifer production wells. CDM will work with the City of Atlantic Beach and their contracted Well Driller on scope, costs, and scheduling. TASK 2 -Review Existing Data This task consists of reviewing data on existing Atlantic Beach Floridan aquifer production wells including location, casing diameter, depth of casing(s), total depth of the well, date of installation, yield, size of existing pump, and water quality data. Ci~M Camp Denser & McKee Irtc.i AB WellEval.doc 19@SI01 AGENDA ITEM #8D NOVEMBER 12, 2001 TASK 3 -Resident Project Representation For this task CDM will place professional geologist in the field while the pumps aze pulled from the wells. The geologist will work with the well driller in determining the need for maintenance or repair of the pumps. The geologist will also review the findings of the geophysical and video logging in determining the condition of the well and the possible need for well rehabilitation, as needed. It is estimated that it will take two to three days to complete this work for each well. CDM will subcontract with the city's well driller for all downhole services including pulling the pumps, geophysical logging, and video logging of the wells. Any maintenance or repairs to be performed by the well driller will be approved by the City prior to completing the work. Any costs for pump or well repairsJrehabilitationtyill be billed directly to the city at the well drillers hourly rate. After completion of the field work, CDM will send a letter to the city describing the work performed along with a summary of the conditions of the wells. This letter can then be sent to the SJRWMD in support of the CUP application. 3.0 ASSISTANCE OR DATA TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CITY The city will provide to CDM the results of any recent well maintenance records or well logging performed on the wells in the Atlantic Beach Service Area: These data will help CDM evaluate any trends in welUpump performance over time particularly between maintenance events. 4.0 TIME OF COMPLETION It is estimated that it will take between two to three days to perform the inspection, testing, and maintenance on each well. The. work described above will be completed within 60 days of receipt of the City's written Notice to Proceed. 5.0 COMPENSATION AND PAYMENTS The method of calculating fees is established in Attachment C for. the estimated level of effort presented in Attachment A. The lump sum fee for Tasks 1 to 3 inclusive, based upon the Scope of Services, is $ 39,59'7. CDM will submit monthly invoices to the City based on the percent of work completed. Other tasks br meetings at the City's discretion beyond those budgeted above by the CDM will be invoiced at prevailing hourly rates with proper documentation CDM camp D«ss<r 6c Mac« k,<. 2i- AB_WellEval.doc 19YZ5/Ot City of Atlantic Beach, Florida Assessment antl Maintenance of the Atlantic Beach Floridan Aquifer Protluclion Wells Task No. 2000- Senior Senlor ProJecl Design Technical Advisor Officer Manager Engineer Designer Dratler Clerical Total Total Work Tesk Description $737.50 $721.00 $88.00 $88.00 $57.75 $49.50 $35]5 MaMOUrs Cost 1 ProJec[Pianning 4 4 4 78 0 0 12 % $ 2,871 2 Review Existing Date 0 0 2 8 0 0 0 10 $ 704 3 Resident Project Representation 12 4 12 72 0 18 24 128 $ 9,592 - 18 8 18 88 0 i6 % 174 Subtotal $ 13,167 Outside Professionals Well Driller well inspeGions 4 ~ $8,500 $ 28,000 i Other Oirecf Costs copies 200 (~ $ 0.10 $ 20 biuelines - Q $ 1.25 $ - mYlars - ~ $ 11.00 $ - pc 78 ~ $ 12.00 $ 192 acatl 8 ~ $ 20.00 $ 160 tax 20 ~ $ 1.00 $ 20 express mail 3 @ $ 8.00 $ 24 wurier 2 ® $ 7.00 $ 74 $ 430 Total Projeel COSt $ 38,687 O SS ~~~'1 7 d ~ ~r %y H ~+ t=1 N N # AB ° O0 o d na_wansv.¢rsrzsrzsot ~+