1021 Atlantic Boulevard WAIV18-0004 Staff ReportCITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: WAIV18-0004 Public Hearing Request for a waiver as permitted by Section 24-46(d) to waive the prohibition of tattoo artists within the Commercial General zoning district as required by Section 24-111(b) at 1021 Atlantic Boulevard, Unit 983. SUBMITTED BY: Shane Corbin, Community Development Director DATE: April 27, 2018 BACKGROUND: The applicant is Gianefer Ross who is proposing to add a cosmetic permanent makup component to her existing beauty solon business at unit 983, 1021 Atlantic Boulevard. The property is located in a multitenant commercial center with LA fitness as the major anchor business. Permanent makup is a cosmetic technique that uses tattoos to mimic makeup in facial areas such as the lips, eyelids, and eyebrows. A waiver is required for a cosmetic permanent makeup business because of the use of tattoos which are expressly prohibited in the General Commercial (GC) zoning district. Section 24-111 (a) is the Intent section of the GC zoning district and states in part, “…Uses shall also not include… tattoo or body artists…”. This specific prohibition means a use-by-exception is not possible and the prohibition must be waived by the City Commission. This code provision was added in 2010 as part of a larger code update. BUDGET: None. RECOMMENDATION: To consider waiver request WAIV18-0004. ATTACHMENTS: WAIV18-0004 application. REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: ______________________________________________