1075 Atlantic Boulevard UBE-2008-04 Order October 28, 2008 Karen Stang 1864 Nightfall Drive Neptune Beach, Florida 32266 Re: Approval of Use-by-Exception Dear Mrs. Stang: This letter serves to confirm that the City Commission, at their October 27, 2008 meeting approved your request for a Use-by-Exception (File No. UBE-2008-04) to allow a “dog day care” and boarding facility at 1075 Atlantic Boulevard within the Commercial General Zoning District. At such time when you apply to the City for your Business Tax Receipt, please submit a copy of this letter along with your application. (I have enclosed an extra copy for this purpose.) Feel free to call me at 247-5826 with any questions. Sincerely, Sonya B. Doerr, AICP Community Development Director cc: Donna Bussey, CMC, City Clerk