Fleet Landing REZ-13-00100052 Note of Revision NOTE: The attached narrative and exhibits for the Fleet Landing PUD Modification were revised on May 16, 2013 and supersede the version that was included in the online packet. The changes are shown in RED on page 1 of the Written Description, and in the description of the modification to the Skilled Nursing Facilities on Exhibit C – Master Development Plan Modifications. Additionally, the original staff report that was included in the online packet has also been updated (page 3) to reflect the minor application revision described above, and those updates are also noted in RED. Essentially, this revision amounts to a 4 unit decrease in the number of beds previously proposed to be removed from the existing Skilled Nursing Facilities. Thus the total number of residential units and beds, after build-out of the proposed modification will be 408 rather than the previously proposed 404. However, this number is still below the total number of units approved within the original PUD. Thus staff has no issue with this minor revision.