1079 ATLANTIC BLVD UNIT 9 -COMM20-0004 FIRE COMMENTS 1-29-20 **ALL INFORMATION Revision Request/Correction to Comments ALL INFORMATION TED I City of Atlantic Beach Building Department GRAY IS REQUIRED. ' 800 Seminole Rd, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 - Jl/�/ 4- l \,401if� O 0.0 Phone: (904) 247-5826 Email: Building-Dept@coab.us PERMIT Comm Z- Revision to Issued Permit OR E Corrections to Comments Date: 24 J. &/2lJ Project Address: /0? ! 41/01/4- 17/vi Contractor/Contact Name: e.-4V;7p4/tri ) S tt ,W,VO✓, TQV$ U-19/e-,- 20-0411S) Contact Phone: 101 7 SI /t.V3 Email: Description of Proposed Revision/Corrections: tjfc Pian added I £ /Iet-An ' affirm the revision/correction to comments is inclusive of the proposed changes. (iorinted name) • Will proposed revision/corrections add additional square footage to original submittal? �[Vo ❑ Yes(additional s.f.to be added: • nil proposed revision/corrections add additional increase in building value to original submittal? o ❑*Yes (additional increase in building value: $ ) (Contractor must sign if increase in valuation) *Signature of Contractor/Agent: (Office Use Only) I Approved Denied ❑ Not Applicable to Department Permit Fee Due$ Revision/Plan Review Comments Co M. JsA,-o-tj SC\r I l 4 /1.)D c 4S Department Review Required: Building Planning&Zoning eviewed By Tree Administrator Public Works Public Utilities 2 — —2_,f) Public Safety Date sire Services > Updated 10/17/18 Dipierri, Miguel Comm 20-0004 Occupant Load & Capacity of Means of Egress: Please re-calculate occupant load as follows: Occupant load is determined by the nature of the"use" of a building or space and the amount of space available for that"use". NFPA 101,Table has established occupant load factors for each "use". The use of an area may differ from its occupancy classification. For example, a meeting room for fewer than 50 people in an office building is not assembly occupancy; it is business occupancy, but its occupant load is based on assembly. Fire Code specific code summary The building code and fire code differ on occupancy types, uses, and occupant loads and can make the proper application of the code difficult. For example the building code classifies restaurants under 50 as business where the fire code classifies them as mercantile, thus the need separate code summaries. Please provide in addition to normal building code summary a fire code specific summary based off the Florida Fire Prevention Code (current edition) to include all the following information listed below. Failure to provide accurate fire code summary may delay plans review approvals as we return plans for corrections and clarifications. Provide required Fire Code specific code summary: Please Reference 6th Edition Florida Fire Prevention Code Based on NFPA, 1 Fire Code 2015 Edition & NFPA 101 Life Safety Code 2015 Edition. •Occupancy type sub-classification (per NFPA 101 6.1) Life Safety Floor Plan: The City of Jacksonville's Fire Marshal's Office requires the submittal of a Life Safety Floor Plan for building permits for all new construction and existing building alterations in order to ascertain if occupancy is currently code compliant and to assist fire inspector in performing Life Safety Inspections. Please provide a Life Safety Plan to include all the following information on one page. If Life Safety Plan was submitted and you are receiving this comment, it means that all of the required info listed below was not included in your original submittal. It is understood that all listed items may not apply in your situation. Required Occupant Load Calculation: • Provide design occupant load using table of NFPA 101 2015 edition. Area calculations should be shown with graphic seating configurations or fixtures in order to substantiate occupant load chosen. Exit Locations: • Designate main entrance and all secondary exits. All required exits shall terminate at a"public way". Access to the public way shall be accessible and must be via a stable, firm, and slip resistant conveyance such as a concrete sidewalk with a min. 5'x5' landing and 44" walkway. Multi story buildings should designate area of rescue with required communication means. Separation of exits using the one half (non-sprinkled) or one third (sprinkled) the diagonal distance rule should be shown on plans. Required Egress Capacity: 1 • Egress inches for means of egress components (doors, stairs, etc.) Required measurements: (Worst case only need be shown.) • Dead end corridors measurements. • Common path of travel measurements. •Total travel distance to exits. Required separation: • Show all fire barriers, smoke barriers, and smoke partitions. All rated walls per new directive from building official wall detail needs to include UL listing and needs to confirm by architect or engineer as being accurate. Required Lock Latch details: • Lock/Latch details: Panic Hardware, Thumb turn lock, Key Lock with indicator and required signage. Required Electrical Stop/Disconnect Details: • Any required Emergency stops or Shunt trips. • Main Electrical disconnects access/location. Required markings of means of egress: • Exit signs to include tactile exits signage. Required fire extinguisher Locations: • Locations per NFPA 10. Required Emergency lighting: • Show emergency illumination. Floor Layout Plan: Document on plans the floor arrangement of furnishings or equipment to be used to substantiate the arrangement of means of egress and occupant load posting for each assembly area. Floor layout plan should show arrangement of means of egress per (NFPA 101 12.2.5). This layout shall constitute the only acceptable arrangement unless plans are revised, or additional plans are submitted. Temporary deviations from approved layout plans are allowed as long as occupant load is not increased and arrangement of means of means of egress is maintained per NFPA 101 12.2.5. Cooking Area Need to show equipment 2 MIGUEL Di PIERRI Fire Safety Inspector/ CDN Reviewer Hispanic Advocate MHAAB JFRD PREVENTION OFFICE 515 N.Julia St.,Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Office: 904-255-8561 cell: 904-763-1290—Email: DIPIERRI@COJ.NET 3 Existing Power Panel (Typ) FEXT >< Exit ® ® iil Exit v i[ 2 —_ Tea Room Kitchen �j3=_____ II 11 Smoke /fi: Tea Room II Detector I ......... I{ Tea Room r / Thrift and Break Room Resale Area 11 I Repurpose Room 11 Smoke Computer Detector Office 1111 Room Exit IExit II ‘4111 Secutity Panel / FEXT SAFETY PLAN PossAbilities Plus SCALE: 1/8" = 1 ' -0" SHEET A • Existing Power Panel (Typ) FEXT Exit Exit MI � ] Tea Room ti Kitchen II =_—__3=__—__— II II _Ji Smoke f' Tea Room II Detector i p 4 "� Tea Room Ill Thrift and Break Room Resale Area I '" Repurpose Room _l I Smoke Computer Detector Office11 Room ) Exit I Exit IV Secutity Panel FEXT SAFETY PLAN PossAbilities Plus SCALE, /8' - jSHEE