2347 Fiddlers Lane TREE17-0034 Mitigation Options2347 Fiddlers Lane Optional Mitigation Plans Option 1: Two 4” legacy species (Eastern Red Cedar or Loblolly Bay = least canopy spread) Nine 18” Palm trees One 19” Palm tree Option 2: Three 4.5” legacy species (Eastern Red Cedar or Loblolly Bay = least canopy spread) Ten 17” Palm trees Option 3: One 4” legacy species (Eastern Red Cedar or Loblolly Bay = least canopy spread) Twelve 15” Palm trees Pay $1,044 for 9” of mitigation. Option 4: 25-4” Live Oaks (or another legacy species) Option 5: 8-4” Live Oaks (or another legacy species) and pay $15,660 for 135” Option 6: 1-4” Live Oak (or another legacy species), 7-8” Palms, and pay $15,544 for 134”