12-17-19 CDB Meeting MiutesMINUTES Community Development Board (CDB) Meeting Tuesday, December 17, 2019 - 6:00 PM Commission Chamber Present: Kelly Elmore, Member Kirk Hansen, Chair Brea Paul, Vice Chair Sylvia Simmons, Member Brian Major, Member Absent: Linda Lanier, Member Mark Tingen, Alternate Member Also Present: Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA) Brian Broedell, Principal Planner Amanda Askew, Community Development Director 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Hansen. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Approve minutes of the October 15, 2019 regular meeting of the Community Development Board. 3. OLD BUSINESS None 4. NEW BUSINESS A. ZVAR19-0014 PUBLIC HEARING (Robin Sorensen) Request for a variance to increase the maximum allowable structural projection into the required side yard from 2 feet to 4 feet in order to construct a 2 foot roof overhang over a proposed second story porch on the south side of a proposed new house (51 Beach Avenue). STAFF REPORT: Planner Broedell presented the information as explained in the staff report. He also provided a PowerPoint presentation. APPLICANT COMMENT: Joe Cronk introduced himself as being with Cronk Duch Architecture and is the architect of record for this project. He said they were trying to add depth to the architecture due to the length of the lot and it's location next to an 8 - story hotel. Mr. Cronk said they are trying to bring as much depth to the long facade as they can. He said it is an open porch and they are trying to stay consistent with the old Atlantic Beach style. PUBLIC COMMENT: None Community Development Board (CDB) December 17, 2019 BOARD DISCUSSION: Mr. Elmore said that because of its location near the Central Business District (CBD) and the hotel he likes the look of the overhang. He believes it's the right thing to do for this long narrow lot. Ms. Simmons said she was torn and was concerned about setting precedence. Mr. Major was in agreement that the overhang was a nice look. Ms. Paul said she was excited that the old house had been torn down and a new home is being built. She agreed that due to the proximity to the CBD the overhang would be good. Chair Hansen said that he was in favor of the variance since the home is next to an 8 -story hotel. PUBLIC COMMENT: Bill Guilliford, 75 Beach Avenue, introduced himself as a neighbor who has lived in the neighborhood since 1974. He said he was whole- heartedly in favor of this variance and the next variance on the agenda. MOTION: To APPROVE ZVAR-190014 due to surrounding conditions or circumstances impacting the property disparately from nearby properties (beach access, right-of-way and 8 - story hotel). Motion: Kelly Elmore Second: Sylvia Simmons Kelly Elmore (Moved By) For Kirk Hansen For Brea Paul For Sylvia Simmons (Seconded By) For Brian Major For Motion passed 5 to 0. B. ZVAR19-0015 PUBLIC HEARING (Robin Sorensen) Request for a variance to increase the maximum fence height allowed in the required side yard from 6 feet to 8 feet at 51 Beach Avenue to allow for an 8 foot masonry wall along a portion of the south lot line (51 Beach Avenue). STAFF REPORT: Planner Broedell presented the information as explained in the staff report. He also provided a PowerPoint presentation. Mr. Elmore asked if there was additional wall going out to the east down the southern property line. Planner Broedell didn't believe so but referred to the applicant. APPLICANT COMMENT: Gavin Kain, introduced himself as a landscape architect with Marquis Latimer and Halback. He explained that the wall will continue to the east as it is a retaining wall. Mr. Elmore recommended they reconsider for security and increase in homelessness at the beaches. Mr. Kain said that he didn't think the wall would just be a big, blank, white wall but they will break it up and add some detailing. The fence/wall increase from 6 feet to 8 feet will provide privacy adjacent to the commercial zoning district. He said that it would help with the aesthetics of the handicapped parking and bike racks at the beach access. Community Development Board (CDB) December 17, 2019 PUBLIC COMMENT: Alan Winter of 305 Ocean Boulevard introduced himself and said that he has lived in the neighborhood for 26 years. He is in favor of the Board approving this variance due to the special character of this property being residential next to commercial. BOARD DISCUSSION: Mr. Elmore was in favor of the variance for the same reasons stated in the first variance request. Ms. Simmons had no comment. Mr. Major had no comment. Ms. Paul said she was in favor of the variance. Chair Hansen agreed with the Board. MOTION: To APPROVE ZVAR19-0015 due to surrounding conditions or circumstances impacting the property disparately from nearby properties (the 8 -story hotel and beach access). Motion: Kelly Elmore Second: Sylvia Simmons Kelly Elmore (Moved By) For Kirk Hansen For Brea Paul For Sylvia Simmons (Seconded By) For Brian Major For Motion passed 5 to 0. 5. REPORTS None 6. PUBLIC COMMENT 7. ADJOURNMENT Chair Hansen presented Mr. Elmore with a plaque in appreciation of his serving on the Board from 2011 to 2019. Mr. Elmore was glad to end his tenure on a positive note in a positive way. Ms. Paul added that she had reached her term limit and this was her last meeting. She told Mr. Elmore she has enjoyed her time serving with him. She said she had received her plaque at the appreciation dinner. Attest: There being no further discussion, Chair Hansen declared the meeting adjourned at 6:33 p.m. Amanda Askew Kirk Hansen, Chair Community Development Board (CDB) December 17, 2019