Robert’s RulesRobert’s Rules of Order for small boards Board Selection Process •Submit an application, describe your skills. Applications remain on file 2 years. •3 year terms end on 31 December. May serve 3 terms. •Board Member Review Committee interviews candidates when a vacancy occurs. They try to match candidate qualifications with Board mission and job description •Paperwork and training in Nov/Dec in preparation for 1 Jan appointment Parliamentary Procedure •Discuss one subject at a time. •Allow full and free discussion of each idea presented. •Treat all members with justice and courtesy. •Carry out the rule of the majority, and respect the rights of the minority. •Bring together the wishes of all group members to form a cooperating, united organization. …..Purpose of Parliamentary Procedures •Gives every member a chance to be heard. •Allows everyone to participate. •Establish and maintain order in a meeting. •Prevents confusion when discussing meeting’s agenda. •Keeps meeting moving. Role of Members •Come prepared, having read minutes and packet. Do you forsee a conflict of interest? •Follow parliamentary procedures –Obtain permission to speak •Stick to the agenda –Agenda may be modified by consent of the members •Respect the view of others •Vote based on Code, the facts, the good of the city as a whole. What if there is a conflict of Interest? •Announce when the agenda item comes up –Ex parte •You may participate in discussion. But, •You should recuse yourself from a vote •See City Clerk to file form 8B •Example: You, a member of the ESC, own a tree nursery. You may not vote on a motion to purchase trees from your business Role of the Chair •Moderator •Judge •Grant the floor to speakers •Enforce order and decorum •Debates last, votes last Agendas •Lays out order of business and items to be considered. Set COAB format. •Prepared days in advance. Sent to committee and 48 hour notifications made to the Public. •For COAB boards, agendas are coordinated and published by staff liaison. •Minutes: “If there are no corrections, the minutes stand approved.” Note: not not required to move, second and vote. Making motions •The member making the motion should be the first to speak •A member may not speak against their own motion. Amending Motions “I move we amend the motion by striking out or inserting _________” “Second” (If no second, the motion fails) •The chair restates the amendment. •Discussion on the amendment ensues. •The chair calls for a vote ON THE AMENDMENT ONLY. (Majority required) •The Chair announces the result of the vote. Return to discussion of the ORIGINAL MOTION as amended. When a Motion Fails •Tie vote: motion fails •Lack of a second: motion fails •Motion to postpone/defer: motion dies this session •Lack of 2/3 vote in designated motions 2/3 Votes Required •Most votes pass on a simple majority •Some Robert’s Rules situations require 2/3 vote: –Modify an adopted rule or the Agenda –Modify the extent of debate –Amend or rescind something already adopted (if not noticed) To Change the order of items on the published agenda: Member: “Ms. Chairman. I move we move item seven on the agenda to immediately after item three. (needs a second) Chairman: It is moved and seconded that we move item seven to after item three. Those in favor, please raise your hand (or take a role call vote). Counts votes. “The nays have it by more than 2/3 vote and the motion to move item seven is lost.” Must have 2/3 vote. Vote to limit debate Member: “I move that debate be limited to ten more minutes.” Chairman: “It is moved and seconded that debate be limited to 10 minutes. All those in favor, please raise your hands.”*Counts votes. “ The ayes have it by a 2/3 vote and the motion to limit debate carries.” (Announce the current time and the ending time for the debate.) •Situation: There is a main motion on the floor and a member wants to limit debate to ten more minutes. •This motion must carry by 2/3 vote. Motion to Reconsider a Motion •Must be requested at the same OR NEXT regular meeting. •Must be moved by a member who previously voted FOR the motion. •Can only be reconsidered once. •2/3 majority if not noticed, otherwise a simple majority. Member: “I move we reconsider the vote to hire a firm to design a new Atlantic Beach logo.” (seconded) Chairman: “It is moved and seconded that we reconsider the vote on the motion to hire an company to design a new logo.” Discussion ensues. Chairman: “The vote is on the motion to reconsider the motion to hire a design firm.” Counts votes. Majority or 2/3 Chairman: The “ayes” have it and the motion to reconsider is carried. You now have before you the motion to hire a design company to design a new logo. Is there any discussion on this motion?” Permitted Interruptions: “I have a question of privilege” •Point of personal privilege –Comfort, safety, amplification, visuals •Point of Order –Are correct assembly rules being followed? •Request for Information –From current speaker •Point of Parliamentary Inquiry –City Attorney and City Clerk COAB Parliamentarians How to discontinue Consideration Lay on the Table a motion on the floor Temporary,in face of immediate urgency No set time to resume Will of the majority No debate May be taken off the table later Postpone to a Certain time To a day, meeting, or event Automatically added to that agenda Limited debate on propriety of motion Postpone Indefinitely Kills item for the session. Must be moved again in a different meeting