April 2020 .pdf1 COMMISSION PRIOTIES www �oAaRI�s,os P R 1 0 R T I E S ENVIRONMENTAL LEADERSHIP An initiative validating COAB's commitment to being a sustainable, resilient community via: • Improving the DEED silver -certified community la performance score across the five categories -- energy, water, waste, transportation, and human experience • Advocating a no -net -loss of the tree canopy by I planting trees and updating the tree -protection code • Promoting plastic -reduction measures • Promoting the four Rs (refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle) • Maintaining the Tree City USA designation by meeting certain criteria, including celebrating Arbor Day event, spending at least $2 per -capita on urban forestry 1 P R I 0 R I T I s MULTIMODAL MOBILITY & SAFETY An initiative to provide safe, convenient and efficient automobile, bicycle and pedestrian travelways citywide via: • Developing a complete streets policy • Establishing/developing a system of sidewalks/multi-use paths • Improving pedestrian/bicycle crossings • Initiating a public relations campaign to promote roadway safety • Parking and traffic calming measures MIRTMAYPORT ROAD P R I O R I T I E S An initiative to improve safety, business and cultural opportunities, quality of life, and neighborhood all identity via: • Strengthening the city's position on securing future state complete streets/road diet/safety- al enhancement funding • Updating the Comprehensive Plan to incentivize redevelopment • Growing the public art grant program • Growing the facade-improvement/landscaping. grant program • Mural painting at the Atlantic Boulevard interchange COMMISSION PRIORITIES WWW.COAB.US/PRIORITIES MIN CAPITAL PLANNING & BUDGETING A financial and infrastructure planning initiative to prepare future needs via: • Adopting a reserve fund policy Establishing a property acquisition and development fund to aggregate capital for land conservation/green space and other real estate purchases • Updating the 1O -year capital improvement plan • Developing a sea level rise adaptation plan • Implementing the stormwater and parks -to - marsh master plans QUALITY OF LIFE An initiative encompassing people. parks. beach accesses and neighborhoods to improve quality of life indicators via: • Beautifying parks, beach accesses and rights of- way • Reducing sign pollution§ • Promoting art and history • Improving recreation/wellness programming for youth and senior citizens • Promoting recreation and cultural opportunities at Beaches Veterans Memorial Park and other parks west of Mayport Road PARTNER DEVELOPMENT An initiative with specific focus on improving governance and fiscal opportunities via: • Developing a legislative action plan • Forging viable intergovernmental and interagency partnerships, including but not limited to the following: U.S. Congressional representatives: Florida Legislature representatives: the City's ]acksonville City Council representative; Florida Department of Transportation: St. Johns River Water Management District; ]acksonville Transportation Authority: North Florida Transportation Planning Organization; and ]acksonville Electric Authority • Forging viable private partnerships with human services. sustainability and nonprofit sectors that support the City's priorities • Public engagement with citizens of all ages, including youth CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 (904) 247-5800/INFO@COAB.US WWW.COAB.US CORONAVIRUS INFORMATION All regularly scheduled City Commission, Board and Committee meetings are canceled until further notice, although special meetings may be announced. As we continue to monitor the coronavirus {COVID-19) situation, it is important to remain calm and stay informed about the virus. Visit www.coab.us/coronavirus for City updates, prevention tips, and resources to review and share to assist in controlling the spread of COVID-19. WWW.COAB.US/CORONAVIRUS A BCa res Helping our neighbors with their atilit9 bills during financial emergencies WWW.COAB.USIABCARES APRIL 2020 VOL. 16 NO. 4 IL.S. 44., e} _ rues digIdarkfy STAY IN THE KNOW FROM COMMISSIONER NORRIS Dear Atlantic Beach neighbors, Please consider this letter an invitation to participate in what happens at City Hall. Our city has taken excellent steps to keep citizens informed and engaged. Below you'll find ways to stay in the know with 800 Seminole Road. 1) Join a board or committee - I realize this is a big ask, but our city benefits greatly from the work and experience of our citizens. Check out current boards on the city website to find the perfect fit for you. These boards make valuable recommendations to the commission on issues of the environment, zoning, city events, finances, and more. See the full list at coab.us/38/Boards-Committees 2) Sign up for Atlantic Beach's e -newsletter - It's as easy as sending an email to info@coab.us and saying, "Sign me up!" This newsletter is published about 25 times a year. 3) Sign up for Atlantic Beach's monthly newsletter - This also is easy. Visit our website and use the email address of your choice to receive monthly updates on city happenings, events, news, and more. Get started at coab.us/list.aspx 4) Attend a meeting of the City Commission - Regular meetings are held in the Commission Chamber of City Hall at 6:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Mondays of each month, except in December. Commission, board and committee meeting announcements are posted at www.coab.us/calendar 5) Like the City of Atlantic Beach on Facebook - You'll get updates right in your newsfeed. Visit facebook.com/CityOfAtlanticeeach 6) Subscribe to NextDoor - The City posts regularly on this popular app, which connects people with their neighbors and engages the local community. Get started by downloading the NextDoor app on your smartphone 7) Stay in touch - Feel free to email me any time at bnorris@coab.us (Use electedofficials@coab.us to reach all the commissioners at once.) 8) Check on city projects - A lot is happening in our city, from resiliency studies to facade improvement grants, to drainage projects. The staff has assembled a starting list with helpful information on the city website. Dive in at coab.us/projects Brittany Norris, Mayor Pro Tem Ma 1S+ -0C+ 315+ Leave only footprints Ho flashlights Fill in ani holes Pick up beach furniture Dont touch Hlnock over sandcastles a. SIGN REGULATIONS UPDATE DID YOU KNOW? The City of A a ting its sign dations, primarily for t . purpose of runic ng the city into nce with the U.MV15stitution. This Ynitlative only impacts signag 4qn-commercial private property. O- While non11-ob cenkA ,content annot be regulated by local goIse. the Atlantic B ach cplunity ea t regulate visual pr I� he limit the number and size of signs -- a time period for which certain it-signs signs are aired. f ow Visit www.coab.us/signslimilfor the scoop on the City's sign regulations update. BALLOONS BLOW... )ON`T LET THEM GO! WHAT GOES UP MUST COME DOWN! � y Released balloons can choke & entangle wildlife & often become litter!! Some animals even mistake them for food. Some balloons are made from biodegradable materials such as natural rubber or latex BUT they still can take UP TO 4 YEARS to BREAKDOWN! Mylar! Foil balloons are made from non - biodegradable materials. They can last for MANY YEARS & CANNOT be recycled in your curbside bin. WANT TO LEARN MORE OR GET INVOLVED? WWW.BEACNESGOGREEN.ORG FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM 1 LINKEDIN Atlantic Beach residents and businesses: Will you please help us improve your city's website (www.coab.us)? Got a suggestion? Let's hear it. Got 100 suggestions? That's 100 times better! Please email your ideas to info@coab.us.