09-14-15 Item 8B -Workers Comp Renewal1\GUND/\ TTEM : SUBMl'nED BY: DATE: BA CKGROUND: BUDGET: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT Renewal of Liability and Work ers' Co mpen sation In surance Catherine Berry, Esq., Director of Human Resou rces C.0 August 26, 2015 ACf~NOA ITEM# 81l SEI'TEMBER 14, 20 1!i There are currently two ca rr ie rs th a t provide li a bility and workers' com pensa tio n coverage for muni cipalities: Preferred Governmental In surance Trust and Florida Municipal In surance Trust. Our in sur ance broker , I !arden an d Associates , gol bid s from both ca rrier s two yea rs ago and th e Cit y chose Flo rida Municipal Jn surance Trust for our Workers' Compensa tion in s uran ce and Prefe tTed Govcrn mcn tal lnsurance Tru st (PGIT) lo r all o th er liabilit y coverages. We have received prompt and efficie nt service from both carriers and they have pro vid ed except ional renewa l ra tes, with a s light (I %) net dec re ase in ove ra ll premiums lor next yea r. Public Officia ls & Emp loyment Practices Liability (EEOC C laim s) Auto Workers' Compensation Statutory Benefits : Accidental Dea th & Dismemberment Environ menta l Legal Liabi li ty Fid uciary Liabi lity Flood Net pre mium dec rease ofj usc over I % for liabilit y a nd worker s ' co mpen sa ti on insura nce, for a total premium de crea se of$4,9 82 .3 1 (from $432,987.31 in 20 15 to $428,005.00 in 20 16). RE COM MENDATIONS : I . Approve ren ewa l of all li a bility in s uran ces with Preferred Governmental Insurance Tru st for 20 15- 20 16 in the amount of$435,625.00 , to include Harden 's broker fee an d authori ze t he City Manager to s ign all re lated ren ewal documents. 2. Approve renewa l of ou r workers ' compensat ion insurance with th e Florida Lea g ue of Cities for 20 15-20 I 6 in th e amo unt of$ J 2 1 ,4 1 I , and authorize t he City Ma nager to sign al l re lated re newa l documents. REVfE WED BY C ITY MANAGER:~?-'4<7~.u'