12-10-19 Board and Committee Member Training Adopted MinutesATTENDANCE: Present: MINUTES Board and Committee Member Training Tuesday, December 10, 2019 - 6:00 PM Commission Chamber Ellen Glasser, Mayor -Seat 1 Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 (District 1306) Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM) Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC) Lori Diaz, Deputy City Clerk Paula O'Bannon, CARAC Member Sally Clemens, BM RC Member Jennifer Lagner, CDB Member Bruce Bole, G-PBOT Member Mark Tingen, CDB Member An Oskarsson, CARAC Member CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Kelly opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m. She thanked everyone for coming and explained these presentations al•e aimed at providing professional development for Atlantic Beach boards/committees: • Community Development Board (CDB) • Environmental Stewardship Committee (ESC) • Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee (CARAC) • Pension Boards (G-PBOT and P-PBOT) • Board Member Review Committee (BMRC) TOPICS The following presentations were given. A. Professional Development 2020 Commissioner Kelly spoke about the importance of volunteers to the City and spoke about: • Board selection process • Member terms, duties and obligations • Effective meetings • Duties of the Chair She reminded members to notify staff in writing should they resign. She asked all members to make sure they read the legislative documents (resolution, statute, and/ol• ordinance) related to Miscellaneous Public Meeting December 10, 2019 their particular board/committee. Commissioner Kelly reiterated the importance of basing decisions on City Code and facts. There were questions and discussion regarding ex parte communications. Commissioner Kelly also spoke about: • Filing of Form 1 • Gift disclosure • Memorandum of voting conflict • City Staff assignments and Commissioner liaisons Questions and discussion ensued regarding agendas/minutes. A11 questions were answered. B. Robert's Rules of Order Commissioner Kelly spoke about: • Parliamentary Procedures • Roles of Members/Chair • Conflict of Interest • Agendas • Motions Ms. O'Bannon provided a pamphlet titled; Mr. Chairman, a Handbook on Parliamentary Procedure, and requested the Clerk's office to make copies for her committee, Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee (CARAC) and any other Board/Committee that may benefit from it. Commissioner Kelly continued to speak about meeting procedures. C. Ethics DCM Kevin Hogencamp gave an overview that included: • Florida Ethics Laws Top 10 Danger Areas • Solicitation or acceptance of gifts • Financial Disclosure and Voting Conflicts Forms D. Social Media DCM Hogencamp spoke about: • Guidelines for Elected Officials and Board Committee Members Using Social Media • Making a clear distinction between official accounts, campaign accounts, and personal accounts • Knowing when social media is a public record or constitutes a public meeting, and gave examples DCM Hogencamp stated our Guidelines will be provided as a handout at this meeting. He continued to speak about social media guidelines and best practices. E. Sunshine Law and Public Records CC Bartle spoke about: Miscellaneous Public Meeting December 10, 2019 • The Three Basic Requirements of the Sunshine Law • Scope of the Sunshine Law • What constitutes a "meeting" for Sunshine Law purposes, questions and answer session followed • Penalties for Violating Sunshine Law. CC Bartle stated she has handouts that contains membership lists, financial disclosure and voting conflict forms, Guide to Sunshine Amendment and Code of Ethics, and Frequently Asked Questions from the Attorney General. Deputy City Clerk Diaz spoke about: • The Florida Statutes Definition of a "Public Record" • What to do to ensure public records are being properly retained • Providing Public Records/Right of Access to Records Questions and discussion ensued regarding public records. All questions were answered. ADJOURNMENT The training ended at 7:43 p.m. Attest: Donna L, Bartle, City Clerk Date Approved: % �� Z� • Ellen Glasser, Mayor Miscellaneous Public IVieeting December ]0, 2019