1771 Maritime Oak Dr. ERES19-0357 Early Power$l.aanv FoTVErd Cmy on Aennnnrxr.{r S{ RsLBA$a Arnanrrc Ena.cn Electric p0wer Job Addrqsr: i* requestcd now rnrdet the e:on{iitioils $nd tEr:ns of this fully oxecuted Agleernenl & &elease We, tl:e underuigned Generel Coritraokr and Elechrician, nndet'stand nrtt'l agr:eo; 4. Peln:it No, 5, l. "EaLlv Porver" is nLrrelv for our consn'ucfion con.venience. it is aal reflui,'ed by Codes. and does rrol substitLrte for Final Trr.$pections og' ,tho_C/p.(Ce{rflcqtq of Occirpancyffiat rri.ust be issucd bef,ore occnparilfl aud as such is nt tire diScretiun of the Euiklihg Offieial, 2. Ihc Cirv of ALlautic Bench wiLl trlolce a snegial inspectibns rnusf ltave prior Appr,oval, itrclirding plior to. the eally powct energ,izing, All rouglr conll6cttolrs, 3. Occupancy or use^of the npw constructioF befcrJg, I forntal C/O eoqqtitutcl.fraujglent^us.e ,of thc. egu'ly elcc{ilc ser14oe, }ucn flc^t'19r.1 tF expJe"ssly,p{gntDtlgo. anq pe4allzed Dy rle ulry pl-"q'uaff}c rjeqen Ordinanccs, Aviol*tionofthisAme0nrenfsh-alllesultiltalehrtesf folproml:t.r'emoi/al ofclectl^ioservice alle' a lwenfv.fou,' rro,',, irSliJS]t Agleement sllalr leslrlt rll a t'eqrlest Io' p'omlrt "Ealli, Power'" relense aut}oliry is the Electlician and/or the (ionfactol and rnust rrct occut bcfoLe:al SquiprnenL, dqvices,qpd ftxqtres arq irlstalled (or.bJa4lced offl pof'ely.."b. fairel is coinplete with.bleakers and coveL,,arril (labeling reqirilcd dt final irrspection).e. Seraice connectton gn(l groundlnc ls cot)lDler0,d. The electric svstent has iat'cly passcd thlo-ueh electlical check.e. lvleter can is 6ernrttnen{lv ma'tteri rvilh addrtss.f,. Ternpor,aly addr'ess nurnbels displaycd (Pernranent trulntlers are requiled tbr C/O), :fhis fully comliJetatl l:onr,r js to be submilted to the lJuilell*g D*parhner;rt by hand, mail 0r fax. Fttttrre sush Aglecnonts will rrot bc aecepted i'r'o'nr those who viol,rte arry one oI'the ab$veitenrs, n.t'rn G:.1:L.O_ rlA'{'E b-l-zo *{)0 Ssnrhole l{oad, At}xntic Beaph fL 32233 I'honer {904)?4?'51126 Fax: (904124?"5845 http:l/w\ul..qoab,ug revised 01 30 09 CONI]TACTOR rN,{NTNAME ELECTITTCIA},I PRIN'T NAME