Police Special Revenue Funds Program-FY 14-15Police Special Revenue Funds The Police Special Revenue Funds receive revenue from several distinct sources. The funding derived from those revenue sources is restricted to very specific purposes. Police Training Funds Purpose: Restricted funding from a surcharge on Uniform Traffic Citations is dedicated to police training. Historically, when available, the City has funded police training from this account. For the past 4 years, no General Fund resources have been required to fund any police training. There is a sufficient reserve in the account to continue to fund all police training for several more years. Radio Communications Special Revenue Fund Purpose: The purpose of this restricted funding is to purchase radios, related equipment and to pay for monthly airtime for the Police Department to participate in countywide emergency communications systems, which provides immediate communications with the area law enforcement, fire, and rescue, and other emergency services organizations. In FY 2014-15, these funds will be used to cover part of the monthly radio airtime charges paid to the City of Jacksonville. Contraband/Forfeiture Funds: Purpose: Revenue in this account is received from court dispositions including, but not limited to, the seizure and forfeiture of property that has been used in felony crimes. Federal and state forfeiture funds are tracked separately because each has its own set of limitations. The key objectives of these funds are to provide a funding source for Police to use as matching funds for grants, to procure equipment, and to finance investigative expenses for protracted operations. The revenue generated from this source is very difficult to predict. The funding is dependent on the investigations that are being conducted at any given time, and the resulting seizures are often a result of chance.