1821 Tierra Verde VARIANCE 10.20.1992 (Cresson) • PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN INK APPLICATION FEE $50.00 APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE -.. p. ai DATE FILED: l2/2 C7/ 2 ' 'SCI 2 0 1992 . Bldin Z TO REQUEST A VARIANCE FROM THE REGULATIONS INDICATED HREIN, BECa nd E THERE ARE PRACTICAL DIFFICULTIES OR UNNECESSARY HARDSHIPS IN CARRYING OUT THE E STRICT LETTER OF THE CODE OR ORDINANCE THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY APPLIES FOR A VARI^_NCE AS FOLLOWS: Name and address of applicant requesting variance: Note: If the applicant is other than all the owners of the property, written consent signed by all the owners of the property shall be attached: 0 nils/ �/ c5c� PHONE (ems/ 171/2/1-4 A /1/Work: /41- 2 %r /3 g 323 3 Home: "14/-- 3Z�9' Variance is sought from the provisions of the: ( ) Zoning Code ($1 --Building Code ( ) Plumbing Code ( ) Electrical Code ( ) Mechanical Code ( ) Other Location of building or structure: On the "l side of /S2/ n s®or w street Street address and legal description of property: Note: Attach copy of deed, and survey or plot diagram indicating proposed construction. Le? -t e /Phi 7 t vrgn.s" Zoning Classification: A) 1) Section of Code from which variance is sought: Res /di-o7/‹/V , /?111D, Describe variance requested: 70 s'/iiCZc scirf ,ex/3 j//t/6 warn az_<__Zr- d,� j%_ s �� © � � k-, • " The reason variance is being sought: fcJ >L0 /iv‘ /19'/ 192c.A-c-z/ ,erG1/ #02._ 3�i/�t1 e - Z Supporting data which should be considered by the Board: 7'4c ice/ S u/2-v?/ Are construction plans submitted with this application? Y(5 J Whit is the applicant 's interest in this variance? 727 ./032-s c../7"P IN FILING THIS APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE, THE UNDERSIGNED UNDERSTANDS I'' BECOMES A PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARi. AND DOES HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS TRUE T( THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. Signature of applicant/applicant 's ignattl' e of owner of the propert; authorized agent or attorney. If Application cannot be processec agent or attorney, include letter without owners signature. from applicant to that effect. Applicant: Do not fill-in beyond this point. However, be prepared tc respond to the following items: YES NO 1. Special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure, or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district. 2. The special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. 3. Granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by the code to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district. 4. Literal interpretation of the provisions of the code would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant. 5. The variance is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure. 6. The variance is in harmony with the general intent and purpose of the code. 7. The variance will not constitute any change in the districts shown on the zoning map. 8. The variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property. 9. . The variance will not materially increase the congestion in public streets or increase the public danger of fire and safety. 10. The variance will not materially diminish or impair established property values within the surrounding area. 11. The variance will not impair the health, safety, morals and general welfare. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD REPORT AND ACTIONS: VOL 5560 H-2328 OFFICIAL RECORDS: SELVA TIERRA COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS ATLANTIC BEACH DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA WHEREAS , TRECO, Inc. , a Florida corporation , successor by merger to TRECO, formerly the Barnett Mortgage Trust ( "Developer" ) , is the owner of that land in Duval County, Florida , more particularly described in that plat of SELVA TIERRA recorded in Plat Book 38 , pages 28 through 28A of the public records of Duval County , Florida ( the "Plat" ) ; WHEREAS , the Developer intends that each of the lots shown on the Plat shall be used solely for residential pur- poses and wishes to place certain covenants and restrictions upon the use of all of the lands described on the Plat for the mutual benefit of all the owners of lots located thereon, and therefore intends that these Covenants and Restrictions shall run with the title to the land hereby restricted. NOW , THEREFORE , the Developer, for itself and its suc- cessors and assigns , hereby restricts the use , as hereinafter provided, of all of the land (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "Property" ) included in the Plat , and places upon the Property the following Covenants and Restrictions , to run with the title to the Property and all portions thereof . The grantee of a deed conveying any lot or lots , parcels or tracts contained within the Property or shown on the Plat shall be deemed by the acceptance of such deed to have agreed to observe , comply with and be bound by all these Covenants and Restrictions as follows: ( 1 ) Lot or Lots. The term "Lot" or "Lots" means the lots shown on the Plat as amended from time to time. For purposes of these Covenants and Restrictions , any combination of contiguous lots or parts of lots under common ownership Prepared By: Bert C. Simon Return to : Tom Rodgers Attorney at Law TRECO , Inc . Gartner & Phillips 1325 San Marco Blvd. 1325 San Marco Boulevard Jacksonville , FL Jacksonville , FL 32207 32207 GARTNER AND PHILLIPS ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA VOL 5560 OFF IC IALRECORDS. that form an integral unit of lands suitable for use as a residential building site , shall be deemed to be one lot . ( 2 ) Single Family Residence Only. Each lot shall be used for the purpose of constructing a single family resi- dence thereon and for no other purpose . Except as herein otherwise provided, no structure shall be erected, altered or permitted to remain on any lot other than one single family residence. The height of the main residence shall not be more than thirty-five ( 35 ) feet above the normal surface of the ground. No building or structure shall be rented or leased separately from the rental or lease of the entire lot . Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent Developer from using any lot or portion thereof as a right-of-way for road purposes or for access or utility easements , in which event none of these restrictions shall apply. ( 3 ) Minimum Square Footage for any Principal Residence . No principal residence shall be erected or allowed to remain on any lot unless the square footage area thereof , exclusive of screened porches , garages and storage rooms, shall equal or exceed 1 , 400 square feet. ( 4 ) Minimum Floor Elevation. No principal residence shall be erected or allowed to remain on any lot unless the minimum floor elevation is 9. 3 feet above mean sea level . ( 5) Set Back for all Structures. No structure of any kind shall be located or permitted to remain between the main residence building and the front lot line. No structure of any kind shall be located on any lot nearer than 25 feet to the front lot line nor nearer than 25 feet to any side street line , nor nearer than 10 feet to any side lot line , nor nearer than 20 feet to the rear lot line . ( 6 ) Resubdividiny or Platting. Subject to approval by the Veterans Administration , Developer reserves the right to resubdivide or replat any lot or lots shown on the Plat for any purposes whatsoever, including rights-of-way for road -2- • MAP SNOWING SURVEY k.F LOT 45. SELVA TIERRA, AS RECORDED IN FLAT BOOK 38, PAGES 28 AND 28A OF THE CURRENT PUBLIC •r RECORDS OF DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA. FO.e. REYHA A//, /NC. Lor 44 oa• ok k • g /O'EASEMENT FOR ORA//�/A6E, UTYL/T/ES 8 �i ''s•.',,,Z.,,t)\..,...1-4-4.1./ELq•3:._.5?6,5._Le;4,,.,oir7):z. _;0 0 _....5_: ...... _14 til h pp�•0. U' PIN V LZ:). e ` 3a.31•N. O its Zt CI 4o ° Cove wqc c-- V N Wwi✓� wgcc-- p c) \ 11 a 0( 1s3' ' I\Q41 N \ uc h Q O 33.9' h0 � r 1• N VQi.,)`in::. 'C'aN ::'r:: 1. H7-7>IcNEO NVki QQc < . 70 O `1 _ CI 26.9' 60.3' 3 a c0 ®Lane-.,a::....A, es( Ao `� \ t.Yo.,�E.r \ W lk is---„,„„, N,89•.35'07'E /07/3' b2h M �w 0 CI KI �-, '4 /III Ej•.1 c.L.OSLALE i .. . 3g2T,/ 7441- :-,)ti i j , 49 S. SIP 111'92 SA TUB - - -- -- guiding and Zaning •TN/5 P.PaRG.P7Y L,' /N FL O00 ZONE //�v^�j� Q/'t 1 %/ "4• "S'/G As iN TNF /Oct YEAR fh0oO AREA. •NO Qui.onvc RE5TR,TiO.' L iNF AY /[AT REG'!!EC'�E!) MAY /6,/5,83 TO .5i/OH/ •TN/S /t 4 LAMA S✓.PVE Y. F/N:7L .i[/k✓EY I hereby certify that this survey meets the minimum technical.standards as set forth by the Florida Board of Land Surveyors,pursuant H. A. DURDEN to Section-47g.07 Florida Statutes. & ASSOCIATES INC �� � '� ..•rrm.o Swnr•�ow 5444,4. LAND HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYORS J ✓ /e.,-4:6-ed.,:,_Y ,.?� Pou OM.9o,50670 *IGNLO `L�- 1 S Jit�� 030 B..cn 90u1.+5r4 -� J.Ch.O.wdC Beach,Florida 31200 to - THIS SURVEY NOT VALID UNLESS THIS PRINT IS LNSOSSLD WITH THE SEAL O/Till ASOVE SIGNED. /1*/I'7 ,i7i2 ._ 14oU S i NULL - 5)(1S:1'1,44 NOOSE WALLtri►at� • I PAT 1 0 - 19-ru- C-At/i 4 F`PG 1 P . Li.G4114 I- Y .4 ;, lips Oc,Rg 4-S 1 .- .....i WC+tA_ --�1=:S1>ZEII:-EItGLabUR4— i R T11 I 1: o xi : � o i S .0 /u I. O W p o It i 4 hj,. -- - No1.S.rs_=Via.t-t- & I 710 S.It-1TE41LnGK1,44 3N �] _ d R oo F. p —?-:: a. u I _ I s.ate> T.. ' 3� ' 4 "2 nF- r h °M / U O teW a Imo/ PAT IQ I ( yi s 1 a E S JI FRONT 6aRbi+J O I 2- stDEO R14141- En►GL. WAt,a. , i 1 •• I Y • uw5G w.L�.5. - nam-_�` DYLRM1NLi _ �C��"GAT10 l.Gn1C�Tll _ I -.- —oVER.ttw• . r— 1 - 2_L h L-- _Vt E Ems-- - — k L.,,...,4Tw-- P-A:r.I. a-----SGtZEsvl -- SLIGGGS LL12.e. ----- _2.- SIDE.Q—L>�FT Eta1GL._ ►,t�-...4.irc>r -- - __ • KJOTE i FDR GowlSTRUGTION DtrAl_t, I GMR7 o ►.1E1.�T OGTA.ILS) — 'T� I CA 1= �.►JGL.OStSSkE. — - con1NGG'ftoN iSNt�c oTA1L � MBE.R Sti.E ANPAC-41A D SPA , SEE-- - - GOl11.F.1.4VPLAT IO1JS _. _ 1,9Pt_1GAlaaI_sc SEG1-1c0v-IS OF TRIG .:.LOrAl^I11M C.oNSTRVLTiO►.J • SGNEMp►T1c. PL la NS) _ -- . - MNNUA.L : . --MA.J-T E:R PEP.M1t- - - - sJ° _ . _MA5TER PLAu5 "FOR: �I'--eSSoIJ °� t °j THE ALUMINUM ASSOCIATION OF FLORIDA i lF_ P.O.BOX 232 -=-2r2,74---V1SW= PATtQ El.i ROOM..-_-__ _DATEz 9]gyp 19 Z - Jos.IL- -- -- =�Q� Q CLEARWATER,FLORIDA 33517 ` °'I10P. , T.T�„_-T40-1;LT4GAST.-.-rr.LOW0,1C:Gl11�EL6R►---. - CoNF1C4U .krIONJ I--- Air • • lr � - h l k, FRl�MI� ; C•• �N° VINYL K Pi-ATE•o x--KE o u'. rar�c�A�D WALL tLav/c-rIori CL-1EN1"oC. JOS S L ENCLOSURES DATA CITY OF N° 6 8 7 7 ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA 41C-tosa-wzi /o- 2 / 1992 NAM `A2, ADDRESS 8 2 9- 3 % CITY 54g,X.44 e'7X7—‘./4J / L 3 22-5 (, cam o� /cs',),/� ,F/vQ 5-6 -C)C2 %LIBATION DM: 1;PE TIS: ;4 7 Tra m t.00 When Signed, Dated and Numbered, This Becomes an Official Receipt MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO Received Payment CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA TREASURER