Cloister Unit # 65 - 3Ryan, We just spoke on the phone, regarding the permit for the repair of a bottom plate in Cloister Unit # 65. When we first talked about this repair, we discussed submitting a revision to the DEMO20-0018 Permit as the fastest way to permit the work. I understood the critical timeframe (and still understand) the Campbells were under and I approved the revision without using our standard and more lengthy process. It has now come to my attention that a second contractor did the work under the permit held by the first contractor. That situation cannot be approved and I have no choice but to reverse my approval and void the previously approved revision (Attached). As we just discussed, your contractor will apply for a new permit for the repair work to the bottom plate. Please know that this work can only be approved as a repair to that bottom plate. There may be other structural defects that may require additional engineering and repair, as determined by future legal and technical discussions. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Dan Arlington Dan Arlington, CBO Building Official City of Atlantic Beach, Florida darlington@coab.us <mailto:darlington@coab.us> (904) 247-5813