September 2020.pdfSEPTEMBER 2020 Sep 3 Code Enforcement Special Magistrate Hearing 2 pm Sep 7 City offices closed Sep 8 Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee 6 pm Sep 9 Environmental Stewardship Committee 6 pm Sep 14 Commission Meeting 6:30 pm Sep 15 Community Development Board 6 pm Sep 16 ESC Outreach Subcommittee 6:30 pm Sep 21 Commission workshop (tentative) 6 pm Sep 28 Commission meeting 6:30 pm OCTOBER 2020 Oct 12 Commission meeting 6:30 pm Oct 14 Environmental Stewardship Committee 6 pm Oct 19 Commission Workshop (tentative) 6 pm Oct 20 Community Development Board 6 pm Oct 21 ESC Outreach Subcommittee 6:30 pm Oct 26 Commission meeting 6:30 pm Updates and information on attending and participating in meetings is published at www.coab.us/calendar. S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 0 V O L . 1 6 N O . 9 C I T Y O F A T L A N T I C B E A C H 8 0 0 S E M I N O L E R O A D A T L A N T I C B E A C H , F L 3 2 2 3 3 (9 0 4 ) 2 4 7 -5 8 0 0 /I N F O @ C O A B .U S W W W .C O A B .U S C I T Y C A L E N D A R BACK-TO-SCHOOL SAFETY Stay five steps away from the curb. Always wait for the bus driver to tell you when to board. Face forward after finding a seat on the bus. Exit the bus when it stops, look left-right-left, and take five steps away from the bus toward the curb. Use the sidewalk whenever possible, and if there isn’t a sidewalk, walk on the edge of the street facing traffic. Focus when walking near traffic – this is no time for horseplay. Use crosswalks whenever they are available. Look left-right-left before crossing any street. Always wear a properly fitted helmet and securely fasten the chin strap. Ride in the same direction as traffic and follow traffic signs and signals. Use the sidewalk appropriately and keep an eye out for other pedestrians. Here are some safety reminders from the Atlantic Beach Police department. If your child rides a school bus to and from school, teach your child to always play it SAFE: Walking to school is great exercise and gets kids ready to face their studies. Children under 10 years old should be accompanied by an adult or someone who will make sure they walk safely. Teach your child to always: Kids love riding their bikes and it can be a fun, quick way to get to school. Be sure to do these simple things to keep your bike ride safe: SCHOOL BUS PROTOCOL COMMISSIONER NORRIS TUNE IN & GET INVOLVED While this has been a difficult time for so many, the pandemic has shown us the importance of electing leaders at every level of government. This Election Day (Nov. 3), make your voice heard. Every vote matters, and so does every single race on the ballot. Your vote may not directly elect the president, but if your vote joins enough others in your voting district or county, your vote undoubtedly matters when it comes to electoral results. There are also local and state elections to consider. While presidential or other national elections usually get a significant voter turnout, local elections are typically decided by a much smaller group of voters. On Nov. 3, Atlantic Beach residents will fill the following City Commission seats and consider the following charter amendment by public referendum. Mayor/Commissioner-Seat 1 (2-year term) – At-large Commissioner-Seat 2 (4-year term) - District 1308 Commissioner- Seat 3 (4-year term) - District 1307 · Public referendum/proposed charter amendment to modify the Mayor-Commission terms of office: “Commencing with the election in November, 2022, shall Section 5 of the Atlantic Beach Charter be amended to: (1) extend the Mayor-Commissioner term of office from two to four years; (2) reduce the consecutive terms from four to two terms; and (3) limit any Mayor-Commissioner holding office as of November, 2022, who has served two consecutive terms, to one additional consecutive four-year term?” If passed, this modification would be put into place after the November 2022 election. Information on residency requirements and links to the candidates’ folders, election calendar, district map, and Duval County Supervisor of Elections’ precinct finder page, visit www.coab.us/election. The city clerk serves as the filing officer for Atlantic Beach municipal elections. For additional information, call 247-5809 or email cityclerk@coab.us. Dear Atlantic Beach neighbors, 2020 has been a bit of a sucker punch. And on top of it all, the events of this year have supplemented an already robust alarmist 24-hour news cycle. So I would like to offer up a more relevant, if not calmer option. Every second and fourth Monday of the month, at 6:30 PM, you can tune in to live streams of the Atlantic Beach City Commission regular meetings. The topics directly affect the local community and are pertinent to you and yours. It's not the most exciting viewing experience, but if you're lucky, (and we're still using Zoom) Commissioner Kelly's birds will make an abrupt cameo. And who knows? Perhaps the steady routine of city business will provide some solace during these crazy times. At a minimum, it will be an informative, if not soporific, addition to your evening. In all seriousness, this year has not been easy for our citizens, and we know this. At city hall, we're striving to keep the City of Atlantic Beach safe, strong, and resilient. We would love to have you join us in this. Visit our website to learn more about participating in regular meetings. Or send me an email at bnorris@coab.us. I'd love to help. Brittany Norris, Mayor Pro Tem bnorris@coab.us NOVEMBER 3, 2020 AB GENERAL ELECTION