December 2020.pdfDECEMBER 2020 Dec 1 Cultural Arts and Recreation Committee 6 pm Dec 3 Code Enforcement Magistrate Hearing 3 pm Dec 9 Environmental Stewardship Committee 6 pm Dec 14 Commission meeting 6:30 pm Dec 16 ESC Outreach Subcommittee 6:30 pm Dec 24 & 25 Christmas holiday – City offices closed JANUARY 2020 Jan 1 New Year's Day – City offices Closed Jan 9 Town Hall (Tentative) – Baker Center 10 am Jan 13 Environmental Stewardship Committee 6 pm Jan 11 Commission meeting 6:30 pm Jan 18 Martin Luther King Day - City offices closed Jan 19 Community Development Board 6 pm Jan 20 ESC Outreach Subcommittee 6:30 pm Jan 25 Commission meeting 6:30 pm Updates and information on attending and participating in meetings are published at www.coab.us/calendar. At a recent AB Town Hall, Baptist Medical Center- Beaches President Joe MItrick and epidemiologist Dr. Vincy Samuel had a prevailing message: Masking, social distancing and other preventative measures remain Priority No. 1 in defending against COVID-19. The Beaches' medical leaders also discussed taking steps to prepare for the emerging flu season. Here is the presentation by hospital President Joe Mitrick and epidemiologist Dr. Vincy Samuel. Visit www.coab.us/coronavirus to see the video. Photo by Ada Rathet D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 0 V O L . 1 6 N O . 1 2 C I T Y O F A T L A N T I C B E A C H 8 0 0 S E M I N O L E R O A D A T L A N T I C B E A C H , F L 3 2 2 3 3 (9 0 4 ) 2 4 7 -5 8 0 0 /I N F O @ C O A B .U S W W W .C O A B .U S C I T Y C A L E N D A R 'Don't let yourguard down' CITY MANAGER'S MESSAGE SHANE CORBIN Now that the election is over, we can all refocus on projects with renewed energy and vigor. This will be a very exciting chapter for Atlantic Beach, especially along the Mayport Road corridor. Three years ago when I came to Atlantic Beach as the planning director, the City Commission had already designated Mayport Road as a target area for revitalization and investment. We have remained focused on Mayport Road and many of the pieces are starting to come together. To build on our existing public art effort along Mayport Road, the City recently contracted with the Jacksonville firm ArtRepublic, which has a very impressive track record and portfolio of world-class public art installations. Have you seen the large and impressive murals in downtown Jacksonville? That’s what ArtRepublic has being doing for the last several years — and their executive director, Jessica Santiago, happens to be a Beaches resident. In the coming weeks and months, the City will be working closely with ArtRepublic to begin gathering public input for a series of public art installations focused on Mayport Road. The opportunities for input will take place through various stakeholder groups of residents and business owners. The stakeholder groups will determine the themes of these installations about the City’s past, present and future. Local history will likely play a large role in content. Locations and scale of individual installations will be decided after the themes are finalized. Next comes the fun part — the installations, themselves! Residents will be able to watch installations being created by the artist, and interact with them through planned events. The City Commission is very adamant about using local artists wherever possible, and ArtRepublic has assured us that this can be accomplished with many artists from right here at the Beaches. Once finalized, the installations will bring color and vibrancy to the neighborhood to create a unique sense of place, build city pride, and foster economic development for generations to come. S h a n e C o r b i n s c o r b i n @ c o a b .u s AB residents: We are excited to announce the launch of a new online service designed with you in mind. You can now submit public records requests online through a secure portal. Among other benefits, this new system will enable you to track the status of your records requests and search records request archives from a central location – ONLINE! Visit www.coab.us/publicrecords to start your request through our (your) new portal. Questions? Email info@coab.us or call 247-5810. Thanksgiving and Christmas are the only holidays that impact the City’s garbage collection schedule. There will be no garbage, recycling, or yard waste pickup on Friday, Dec. 25; Friday’s scheduled service will be moved to Saturday, Dec. 26. NO GARBAGE COLLECTION ON CHRISTMAS WANT RECORDS?LET US KNOW. LTJG Richard Bull - Bull family SFC Leroy Everett - VetCare PFC Solomon Sturdivant - American Legion Post 316 & american Legion Auxiliary Unit 316 Sgt. Robert David - Kettel Inc. (Kate and Kyle Kettell) 2LT John J. Ahern Jr. - Florida Transcor AB resident/U.S. Navy veteran Lenny Jevic’s idea to honor AB natives who died serving our country during wartime has become a reality. The COAB Public Works Department's Mario Chang (pictured) sealed the deal by installing memorial signs at five locations in the city. Thanks to Lenny and everyone involved in this extra-special project. Here are the sign sponsors and those who are being memorialized: HONORING THOSE WHO MADE THE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE