Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee (CARAC) - 10 Sep 2020 - Minutes - Html MINUTES Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee (CARAC) Meeting Thursday, September 10, 2020 - 3:30 PM Virtual Paula O'Bannon, Member Present: Mateo Jurasic, Member Carol Silcox, Member Eastman Curtis, Chair An Oskarsson, Member Mauricio Gonzalez, Member Dawn Pope, Member Absent: Timmy Johnson, Dir. of Rec. & Spec. Events Also Present: Carina Reyes, Recreation Associate 1. CALL TO ORDER - CHAIR The meeting was called to order at 3:30 pm 2. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS Chair Curtis welcomed the visitors. 3. NEW BUSINESS A. Artisans' Faire Paula recommended rescheduling the Artisans' Faire to next year because of COVID- 19. The committee discussed who would oversee the event and recommended moving the event to February. Paula motioned Carol seconded to reschedule the Artisans' Faire to February because of COVID-19. All in favor. B. Contribution Questions & Answers 1. Beaches Museum 3:45 pm 2. OMI 4:00 pm 3. Beaches Fine Arts 4:15 pm 4. Word Revolt 4:30 pm 5. Birds of Fire 4:45 pm 6. Taekwondo 5:00 pm 7. Connecting thru Music 5:15 pm 8. FACE 5:30 pm 9. New Age Hippy 5:45 pm The committee heard from representatives from Beaches Museum, OMI, Beaches Fine Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee (CARAC) September 10, 2020 Arts, Word Revolt, Birds of Fire, Taekwondo, Connecting thru Music, FACE, and New Age Hippy. Each organization representative introduced themselves and told a little bit about the organization and the recommended program. Paula motioned seconded by Carol to recommend funding for the following organizations totaling $47, 538. All in favor.  Turkey Trot $ 650  Beaches Fine Art $ 1,740  OMI $ 2,550  FACE $ 2,075  Deck the Chairs $ 700  Beaches Museum $ 1,381  Taekwondo $ 1,830  Birds of Fire $ 960  Meraki Wellness $ 2,370  Connecting thru Music $ 2,460  New Age Hippy $ 1,212  Kingdom Builders $ 1,620  Word Revolt Art Gallery $ 475  Beaches Go Green $ 1,380  Atlantic Beach Elementary $ 6,975  Fletcher High School $10,360  Mayport Middle School $ 8,800 Paula motioned seconded by Carol for the organizations not to start the programs until after January because of COVID-19 unless they can do them virtually or they city gives permission. 4. RECOMMENDATION 5. OTHER AGENDA ITEMS/ANNOUNCEMENTS There being no further discussion, Mayor Glasser declared the meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. A. Next regular meeting is scheduled for December 1, 2020 at 6:00 pm B. Agenda items for next meeting 6. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business, Mateo motioned and An seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:31 pm. Attest: Timmy Johnson Eastman Curtis, Chair Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee (CARAC) September 10, 2020