2239 Barefoot Trace Arborist Letter 05.28.2019HUFFMAN TREE St:mRV[CE .......................................................................................................................... �.0. Cov !`072 Iacksonville Beach, FF. 3224 04.,241-564' 1 .. F a, x May 28, 2019 To: Whom it may concern, This assessment letter is in regards to the current status and condition of the (marked) Water oak (Quercus nigra) tree located on the back right side of the Hanson property located at 2239 Barefoot Trace in Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233. It is in the Oceanwalk sub- division. The tree has signs of decay in the base of the trunk and leans over the house. Additionally it appears to be near the end of it's life span (70- 80 years). Based on these signs and symptoms the tree is a liability and therefore a candidate for removal. If you have any further questions let us Know. Sincerely, Robert M. Huffman Certified Arborist FL -5220A