2107 S Fairway Villas Ln RFNC21-0008 FenceOWNER:ADDRESS:CITY:STATE:ZIP: KRISTEN JEFFREY D 2107 FAIRWAY VILLAS LN S ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 COMPANY:ADDRESS:CITY:STATE:ZIP: FENCEPRO, INC.3727 Spring Park Road JACKSONVILLE FL 32207 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: REAL ESTATE NUMBER:ZONING:BUILDING USE GROUP:SUBDIVISION: 169398 1036 FAIRWAY VILLAS JOB ADDRESS:PERMIT TYPE:DESCRIPTION: VALUE OF WORK: 2107 S FAIRWAY VILLAS LN RESIDENTIAL FENCE ONE STREET FRONTAGE FENCE $5900.00 FEES DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QUANTITY PAID AMOUNT ZONING FENCE PLAN REVIEW FEE 001-0000-329-1003 0 $35.00 TOTAL: $35.00 LIST OF CONDITIONS Roll off container company must be on City approved list . Container cannot be placed on City right-of-way. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. MUST CALL INSPECTION PHONE LINE (904) 247-5814 BY 4 PM FOR NEXT DAY INSPECTION. ALL WORK MUST CONFORM TO THE CURRENT 6TH EDITION (2017) OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, NEC, IPMC, AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CODE OF ORDINANCES . ALL CONDITIONS OF PERMIT APPLY, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. 1 of 1Issued Date: 2/12/2021 PERMIT NUMBER RFNC21-0008 ISSUED: 2/12/2021 EXPIRES: 8/11/2021 RESIDENTIAL FENCE PERMIT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY PAID PermitTRAK $35.00 RFNC21-0008 Address: 2107 S FAIRWAY VILLAS LN APN: 169398 1036 $35.00 ZONING PLAN REVIEW $35.00 ZONING FENCE PLAN REVIEW FEE 001-0000-329-1003 0 $35.00 TOTAL FEES PAID BY RECEIPT: R14871 $35.00 Printed: Friday, February 12, 2021 9:35 AM Date Paid: Friday, February 12, 2021 Paid By: FENCEPRO, INC. Pay Method: CREDIT CARD 422885893 1 of 1 Cashier: CG Cash Register Receipt City of Atlantic Beach Receipt Number R14871 I I I I I I ~+; CENTRALSQUARE Building Permit Application ~ City of Atlantic Beach Building Department 800 Seminole Road , Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Phone : (904) 247 -5826 Email : Building-Dept@coab.us Updated 10/9/18 **ALL INFORMATION HIGHLIGHTED IN GRAY IS REQUIRED. V, I\ 1,4 s -Permit Numbe r : R~N c_z l -OOC>c!:> ~----1----+'--L-~~~,-::::.._....='-""------L--~--RE# '" r 37 8 -10 Jb Valuation of Wor Repl acement Co • Cla ss of Wo rk : ~ew □Addition □Alteratio n □R e pa i r □Mov e □D emo □Pool □Window/Doo r • Use of existi ng/proposed st ructure(s): □C o m m e rcial i)rt'esi d ential • If an ex isting stru ctu re, is a f i r e sprinkl er system in sta ll ed ?: □Yes □No • W ill tree s be r emoved in ass oc ia tion with ro o ed ro·e ct? □Yes mu st submit se arate Tree Rem ov al Permit o Des cribe indetailth e typ e of w orktobe p erfo r m ed : '-\ ~ \.o \j -,.,.....0 , ~-'2.~~ \("\so\-~\\-€~ Fl orid a Prod u ct App roval# __________________ fo r mu ltiple p roducts us e product approva l fo rm Contractor Information Na m e of Compan y ~ '2-0 <' e.,_0 .:c;p ~l. ~ Qu alify i ng Ag ent ~c,__;:;,>)(""\ s·,\va. '"'\ 1".Y'\6.r"'\ Address 3'Yol:J :§~;: n;:;yf;;-'\\:-"l...-~ Cit'~c,.cXmv:,.-,,\\e.. St at e :'fL Zip 3 -d ·~a 7 Offi ce Phon e ~~-S ~ ~ 0 \o ~ 7 Job Site Contact Num ber S\C)-\-7<:.:)~ -x 7 7 3 St at e Certification/Regist ra tion# .)o -:3 \oC\'-''3 0' E-M ail ~,Q,lC\ v<2.R,A~ \ rx..Q (>,. ~-~ • \("\·Q... Y: Arc h it ect Name & Ph one# _________________________________ _ Eng in ee r's Name & Pho n e# -"°"Pt--;~->J......,_'(~----:-------------------:-,----------,- W o rk ers Co mp ensati o n Ins urer :::S:~ C...3 ~\o "'-'\ S ,\ OR E xe mpt □ Expi ration Da t e ~--\---Z. \ Applic at ion is hereby m ade t o obtai n a p erm it to do th e w o rk and instal lations as in dicate d . I certify th at no w or k o r install at ion h as comm enc ed p ri or t o th e issuance of a p ermit and t hat all w ork w il l be perfo rmed to m ee t th e st and ards of all t he law s reg ul at ing con st r ucti o n in th is j u r isd ic t i o n . I und ers t an d t hat a se p arate p er mi t m ust be secure d for ELECTR ICAL WORK , PLU MBI NG , SIGNS, WE LLS, POOLS, FURNACE S, BOILERS , HEATER S, TANKS , and AI R CONDI TI ONERS , etc . NOT ICE: In addition to t he requirements of th is permit, there may be additional re striction s applicab le to this property that may be found i n the pu bl ic records of thi s cou nty, and there may be additional permits required from other governmenta l en titi es suc h as water managem en t di strict s, state agencies, or federal agencies. OWNER 'S A FFIDAVIT : I certify t h at all t h e fo reg oin g info rmation is acc u rate an d t hat all work wi ll be do ne in compli ance w ith all app li cable law s r egula ti ng constructio n an d zon ing . WARNI NG TO O WN ER: YO UR FAILUR E TO RECO RD A N OTI CE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RES ULT I N YO UR PAYING TWI CE FOR IMPRO VEM EN TS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND ANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LEND ER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE UR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENTD ),./"" t;.. s · ,\, )O'.')Y-V--{)\l'=-:\.--_ (Sign ature of Own er or Agen t } T (Sig n ature of Contractor} ~gned and sw ,..)QA_ l<c:>.,<Lo<:..\---/' "J.+.::::,..__,,~--"P'--f--....... -P,_,_~...,_._ ~i~~ONI GINDL RGER 11 d~~K'f:f.) MY COMMISSION# GG 353178 l ] Perso n all y Known . j . ' .. ~ .. } EXPIR ES: October 6, 2023 [ ] Produ ced ld entifica • ri0'.ff!' .~,~-·-Bonded Thru Notary Public UndelWTiters Typ e of Identifi cati o n : _____________ _ Sig~;,~nd swo'ZDZJ°r affirm ed ) befo re me t:,!).i s ~q d ay ~ --JUD,...+'--'~-' , by (\y\, ~litJej ' I t \ [ l)Yerso n all y Known O R I(] Prod u ce d Id e nt ifi ca t io n Type of Ident ifi cati on : (Sig na r of Not a~ Hendry .rf"' ((( Notary Public ,j f State of Florida -.i:: t ), My Comm iss ion Expires 11/30/2021 f{_ } Commission No. GG 155172 NOTIC E OF COMMENCEMENT ~:~::'of ~~'1 Tax Fol io N,7 ----"-=-/6 f--=3_;__</ 8'_,· -A'---t:J3£-'------ To W hom It May Concern : The undersigned hereby informs you that improvements will be mad e to certain real property, and in accordance with Section 713 of the Florida Statutes, the fo llowing informa · Legal Description of property bei ng improve Addre ss of property bein g imp roved : -hA-~::...._-'---+--1"-L!..!....!c..::::...-'--'-+-,-1J.-'--'---'--'---'"-t-cal=::L.l...J:\--+--,;>....,----i..~=-.:~.__.J..J.-~-U.L...£. 33 General de scri ption of improv eme nts: ()(e a~ I \ \ Fee Simple Titleholder (if other than owner): ______________________________ _ Na me: ~ O ~, D s ·, \ ,)--e Coot,acto, £e v:v-& 4) CD,~~- Add ress . '.J ~ ::J. ~:C, v:::,, c ~ Tel ep hon e No .: C\O '::\ -S 3 'h -0\od ~ cY'Y:)Q,~ Fax No : ____________ _ Surety (if any) _______________________________________ _ Add ress: _______________________ Amount of Bond $ _________ _ Teleph o ne No: __________ _ Fax No : ____________ _ Name and address of any pers on mak ing a loan fo r the construction of th e improvements Nam e:----------------------------------------- Add ress: ---------------------------------------- Pho ne No : ____________ _ Fax No : ____________ _ Nam e of perso n within the State of Florid a, other than him se lf, d es ignated by own er upon whom notices o r other do cume nts may be served : Name:---------------------------------------- Add ress: ---------------------------------------- Telephone No : __________ _ Fax No : ____________ _ In addition to himself, owner designates the following person to receive a copy of the Lienor's No tice as provide d i n Section 713 .0 6(2 ) (b), Flo rida Statues . (Fill in at Owner's optio n) Name:----------------------------------------- Addr ess:---------------------------------------- Telephon e No : __________ _ Fax No : ____________ _ Expiration d ate of Noti ce of Com m encement (th e ex pi ration date is one (1) year fro ate is spe cifi ed ): -------------------------fi-+~+-'-'~--:-c,,.-T.,,.;O:,.:,N...:...1 G..:.,l.,..cN:::..;DL==E=-=-S:....:PE::..:.'R.:..::G:..=E.:...:R_--flf-- ·:;~ MY COMM.ISSION ff GG 35 3178 TH IS SPACE FOR RECO RDER'S USE ONLY Doc# 2021 01 3914, OR BK 19542 Page 715 , Number Pages : 1 Reco rded 01 /19/2021 12 :03 PM , JODY PHILLIPS C LER K CIRCUIT COURT DU VAL COUNTY RECORDING $10 .00 OWNER W;. ...... ;f EXPIR ES: Oc!Jber G, 202 3 ·{~f.f~?.·· Bonded Thru Notary Pub ·c U d0 ; Signed: __:¥-4-1...:=-.,.-=,....--------~--Date:-~---+--- Before h s I'., .l--day o in tj:,e Co 4n Of Flor ida, has personally appea ed 10 · \: l'"' I Notary Public at Large , Sta o My commiss ion exp_i_re_s_: ~;;~-:.-:t-=-~~-=~~::~~~t==-~:!:.:_:~~~==-:::~~-=--=--=--Personally Kno wn: or Produ ced Identifi ca tion : --1--'>.r\D~-'-'--....!....!e,::._L-~~~t::;,,,,,.~~~--- , ,;P h,'lr~, Fence Addendum if " ] City of Atlantic Beach Building Department 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Phone: (904} 247 -5826 Email: Building-Dept@coab.us Property Type: ~esidential □ Commercial Lot Type/ Features: ~e Street frontage (interior lot) □ More than one street frontage (corn er lot, through lot, etc.) □ Swimming Pool Fence Material: □ Wood □ Chain Link ~inyl □ Block/ Stone (Plan detail s required for footings and/or retaining walls) □ Othe r I Fence Height: □ Four Foot (4ft) □ Six Foot (6 ft) □ Other Fence Location: Updated 1/7/2021 Please submit an accurate boundary survey required showing al l existing improvements (in cluding building footprint, driveway, swimm in g pool, etc .) and location of fence/wall and any gates. Plan detai ls required for block wall footings and/or retaining walls and any portion or fencing above 6ft in height. Will the fence be built in an easement? □ Yes (mu st submit separate Revocable Encroac hm ent Agreement) 12r'No Will tree(s} be removed in association with proposed project? □ Yes (must submit separate Tree Removal Permit) ~o WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY . IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF CO MMENCEMENT. rUUl'ILI 1/L IRON PIPE: c:i MAP SHOWING BOUNDAt?Y SUt?Vt Y Of-: :r: l- ::) NO /DENT/FICA TION FOUND 1/2" IRON PIPE NO /DENT/FICA TION LOT 18, FAIRWAY VILLAS, AS RECORDE D IN PLAT BOOK 39, PAGES 22 AND 22A OF THE CURRENT PUBLIC RECORDS OF DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA · 0 Cf) FOUND 1/2" IRON PIPE NO /DEN TIFICA TION FOUND 1/2" IRON PIPE vi ~ :i 0 0 c:i 0 NO /DENT/FICA TION CO 0 FOUND 1/2" ...-j CURVE C1 C2 C3 IRON PIP[ P.c. \ NO IDENTIFICATION ()~-J\} dj FOUND 1/2" :.> IRON PIP[ NO /DENT/FICA TIO RADIUS ARC LENG~ 25.00 16.09 50.00 23.72 50.00 27.69 .~ . LOT 19 I TION CHORD LENG~ CHORD BEARING 15.81 N 19 '49 21 W 23.50 N 19"58 44 W 27.34 N 19 ·40 37 E ·9o"E Gs.so· FOUND 112 .. IRON PIPE: RADIAL) K NO /DENT/FICA TION ~b---d~.i.---;;--~~ CUL-DE-SAC NDTrs, Tf/lS PROPERTY UES IN FLOOD ZONE •x• PER FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIR!./), DWAL COUNTY, C0!.11./UNITY No. 120077, MAP/PANEL No. 12031C-DODO-,J, REVISE:o NOVEMBER 2, 2018 BEARINGS BASE:o ON Tf/£ SOUTf/WEST PROPERTY UN£ OF LOT 18 AS BEING N 48'56'57" W ND BUILDING RESTRICnON UN£ BY PLAT N. T.S. DENOTES NOT TO SCALE OHE DENOTES OVERHEAD ELECTRIC ALL LOTS SHOWN HEREON LIE WITHIN BLOCK -EXCEPT AS NOTED -X -DENOTES 4 ' CHAIN LINK FENCE EXCEPT AS NOTED -II-DENOTES 6' WOOD FENCE EXCEPT AS NOTED TH£RE MAY BE ADDffiONAL RESTRICTIONS THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ON Tf/lS SURVEY THAT 1./AY BE FOUND IN Tf/£ PUBLIC RECORDS OF DWAL COUNTY. FLORIDA. SURVEYOR'S NQTE, D U R D E N SURVEYING AND MAPPING , INC. 985 11TH AVENUE SOUTH JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FLORIDA 32250 (904) 853-6822 FAX 853-6825 LICENSED BUSINESS NO . 6696 THE SURVEY HEREON WAS MADE WITHOUT THE BENUIT OF ABSTRACT OR SfARCH OF Tlll.f: NID Tf/EREFORE TH£ UN0£RSIGN£0 AND DURDEN SURVEYING ANO MAPPING, INC .• !./AKE NO c£RnFICAnONS REGARDING INFORMATION SHOWN OR NOT SHOWN HEREON PERTAINING TO £ASE!.1£NTS, CLAIMS OF EASEMENTS, RIGHTS-OF-WAY, SETBACK UNES, OVERLAPS, BOUNDARY UN£ DISPUTES, AGR£E!.1£NTS, R£S£RVAnONS OR OTf/ER SIMILAR MATTERS WHICH 1./AY APPEAR IN Tf/E ABSTRACT OR SEARCH OF nTI.E. Tf/lS SURVEY NOT VALID UNLESS Tf/lS PRINT IS EMBOSSED WITH Tf/£ S£Al OF THE ABOVE SIGNED. I 0 I u, I"- CJ) r--w LO f- 0 ..--_j r") ~ ..-- 0 (J) K I SET 1/2" IRON PIPE DURDEN L.B. #6696 CERTIFIED TO: JEFFREY D. KRISTEN I hereby certify that this survey meets the minimum technical standards as set forth by the Florida Board of Land Surveyors, pursuant to Section 472.027 Florida Statutes and Chapter 5J17 Florida Adm inistrative· Co e ~ FLORIDA REGISTERED SURVEYOR No. H. BRUCE DURDEN , Jr. SIGNED --=O=CJ~O~B~E~R~] 2.........,2...,,0u.2.,,0 ___ _ SCALE : 1" - WORK ORDER NUMBER: 20445 DELTA ANGLE 35·52 00 27 7 1 01 31'43 47 N B-9757 Revision Request/Correction to Comments City of Atlantic Beach Building Department 800 Seminole Rd, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 **ALL INFORMATION HIGHLIGHTED IN GRAY IS REQUIRED. Phone: {904) 247-5826 Email: Building-Dept@coab.us PERMIT#: 'R-+° (\(.)\ -OOor ~Revision to Issued Perm it OR D Corrections to Comments Date: ______ _ Project Address: Q \ D:\ S £a, C l .,)G D \J . \ \\ CA .S L ie\ Contractor/Contact Name: -=s; < t_;)~>, = S\.\ ~lrV\ a._ bp '$..}An ~, \.) e en-,~~ Contact Phone: C\c:>'--\-S 3 i:-p \.:,4 '.J Email: -\::Ro c e ~V:O \ 'n c e ~t:\-, b .Q=-t- Description of Proposed Revision/ Corrections: ---I .l,,c,.:;;, c, S ..,\-~nc:P affi1iirthe revision/correction to comments is inclusive ofthe proposed changes. (printed name) • Will proposed revision/corrections add additional square footage to original submittal? C fNo [--j Yes (additional s.f. to be added: ____________ ) •~ill proposed revision~c_orrec~ions ad~ addi_ti~nal increase in building value to original submittal? LJNo V]*Yes (add1t1onal increase in building value: $ ________ ) (Contractor must sign if increase in valuation) *Signature of contractor/ Agent: ______________________ _ (Office Use Only) 0 Approved D Denied D Not Applicable to Department Permit Fee Due $ ------ Revision/Plan Review Comments ----------------------------- Department Review Required: Building Planning & Zoning Tree Administrator Public Works Public Utilities Public Safety Fire Services Reviewed By Date Updated 10/17/18 REVOCABLE ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, Fl 32233 0 Atl lNfORMATION HIGHLIGHTED tN GRAY 15 REQUIRED. REVOCABLE ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT by thC' City ot Atl,rnt1c 8 ',lch, Flottd,1, ,1 municipal corporation organized and existing under the l;iws of the Stotc or Florida, ht•1 f'll'l,1f tN ref tr d to ,n "CITY" .md ..::'.) £,'is-£ £:e,(5 \µ_..,~.;:;g;-.1,...-______ of Atl,int1c Be.Jch, Flond,t, hNemafter referred to as "USE.R" WITNESS TH: That the CITY doe!. hereby gr ant Uw USL R µ ~rmh\lo n on ,1 r1•vor ,1bl • baw, ,1,, dr• rnbed h rf'tn th,,. rrght to nt r upon the property for the purpos.e as dc\crlb •d In tile Clty of Atl,mtlc lk,1ch. This work i generally d rnbcd ,l!'.'\,f\~ ~ ---~£~~\~~~\._~.;:;;..~__,;.. _______ _ Any fa 1!tty n1.Mt;:iin 'd. 10pillt ,d . NC'C"lt'a, ,md/or ln!itilll •d In th, t•xcrcls of th• prlv1l~gf" gr,mfr,d rf'md1r1• ',&JbJi' o relC1cation or rt•mov.11 on th11 tv ( O} d,lyi.' 11 tfrn by CITY to usrn, ':>,1ld notlcr to USER c,h.ill be· g1vN1 by ,ert,flnd m411f, r ur receipt rcqucs t~d. to the.? follow ing addrc~i. ':l \ D, S : £ Q \ ~~ · ~~~-L ~ • In th' event 1t ii, necess,uy for the CITY or the City's approved representative or otU r frc1nch1!.rod utrlltf ro "''*'' upon the above described easement or ptoperty of the CITY, the USER shall replac at the USE.R's ~ot"' 0 ..1re>i!n~,., any and all rn.'.lterlal necessarily dtsptaced during the action of maintaining, repairing, operating, replac:m~ or adding to of the ut!f 1t1es and facilities of the CITY or franchise utility provider. • The faciht1es Jllowed by the permit shall meet the current requirements of the City Code, 8u1lding Code~. land Development Code and all other land use and code requirements -0f the CITY, including City Code Section 19-7lhJ which states "Driveways that cross sidewalks: City sidewalks may not be replaced with other matenals, but must be replaced with smooth concrete left natural in color so that it matches the existing and adjoining srdewali's , • The USER, prior to making any changes from the approved plans and/or method, must obtain written app,o a1 from the City of Atlantic Beach Public Works Department, for said change within 30 days after the day of completion. • This permit shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, the USER and their respective successors and assigns . • USER shall meet the terms and conditions of this permit and to all of the applicable State and CITY laws and/or specifications, to include utilities locate requirements and use limitations/requirements of easements, publtc right~of-ways and other public land. USER further agrees that the CITY and its officers and employees shafl be saved harmle by the USER from any of the work herein under the terms of this permit and that all of sard eby assumed by the USER. ;;;JI l Date q 202 { ner/Agen t (sig n ed In presence of Notary Public) this ~ dayof fe6tuB~ STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DUVAL ,20 2( by -~u..~..L.J~e..+--++-"'---J--:U-..=::..:.-.._.l,,.... ______ , who personally appeared before me and Department Apl)roval: { J Per$onal!y t<nown HProduced ldenttfication {Type! fl t>r->!ie:!:'O l,'~Sc. Scott Wilhams, Pubhc V\' rks Ou~._tcr 1< J.r,p >ULOm t, fotl'l's° Word Oocurru<r\lJ\1018011':11 ftl'YO<.tbl .. fncroarhm11n1 l\&rC'tm nt do, flf'~•~lon 0.ttl' ti ~ l/111