May 2021Fellow Atlantic Beach residents, As a new City Commissioner, I am proud to represent the residents of this beautiful place we call Atlantic Beach. As a retired Navy Captain, I have been lucky to live around the world and I believe we are lucky to live in a one-of-a-kind city. I have yet to meet a visitor to our costal town that does not express an interest wanting to return or move here. One of the key issues, if not the prime issue, for me is “Keeping the Beach the Beach.” By that I mean taking the steps now to ensure that our coastal environment and infrastructure remains intact for all our residents. I worked for a Native American company that took the view that as we make current decisions, we must be cognizant of how those decisions affect future generations. It is hard to spend scarce resources on infrastructure that may not directly affect us today, but if we do not make the investment, we will not be good stewards of our environment and our children’s future. As a coastal community, we see the dynamics of nature every day. As a city that is basically an island, we need to be especially cognizant of the forces that shape our environment. Coastal communities around Florida are facing sea level rise along with water intrusion into our areas that just a few years ago were dry. We need a mosaic of infrastructure, policy and restrictions that protect our very fragile environment. In the early days of the pandemic, when several facets of the worldwide economy were drastically cut or slowed down, there was an immediate and measurable effect on the global environment. So we do know that human actions have environmental consequences. Our strategy needs to include projects led by regional, state and federal entities to have a holistic approach. I invite you to come to a City Commission meeting and make your voice heard, or email your elected officials because we work for you. The more I learn about our City staff and the hard work they do, I am impressed more every day. Still, expect me to always ask, “How much more concrete does this project add to our city’s footprint?” Look forward to hearing from you. B r u c e B o l e B B o l e @ c o a b .u s KEEPING THE BEACH'THE BEACH' FROMCOMMISSIONER BOLE COMMISSION PRIORITIES WWW.COAB.US/PRIORITES COMMISSION PRIORITIES WWW.COAB.US/PRIORITES M O N T H L Y U T I L I T Y B I L L N E W S L E T T E R M A Y 2 0 2 1 V O L . 1 7 N O . 5 C I T Y O F A T L A N T I C B E A C H 8 0 0 S E M I N O L E R O A D A T L A N T I C B E A C H , F L 3 2 2 3 3 (9 0 4 ) 2 4 7 -5 8 0 0 /I N F O @ C O A B .U S W W W .C O A B .U S WWW.COAB.US/PREPARE INFO@COAB.US 247-5804 H U R R I C A N E S E A S O N B E G I N S J U N E 1 MAY 2021 May 6 Code Enforcement Special Magistrate 2 pm May 10 Commission Meeting 6:30 pm May 12 Environmental Stewardship Committee 6 pm May 13 Pension Board 6:30 pm May 17 Commission Workshop (Tentative) 6 pm May 18 Community Development Board 6 pm May 19 ESC Outreach Subcommittee 6:30 pm May 24 Commission Meeting 6:30 pm May 31 Memorial Day – City Offices Closed JUNE 2021 June 8 CARAC Meeting 6 pm June 9 Environmental Stewardship Committee 6 pm June 14 Commission Meeting 6:30 pm June 15 Community Development Board 6 pm June 16 ESC Outreach Subcommittee 6:30 pm June 28 Commission Meeting 6:30 pm Updates and information on attending and participating in meetings are published at www.coab.us/calendar. CITY CALENDAR