01-21-98"FIRST NIGHT" STEERING COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING OF JANUARY 21, 1998 The "First Night" Steering Committee held its regular meeting on Wednesday, January 18, in the Commission Chambers. Pre- sent were: Co -Chairpersons Nancy DeCandis and Rosemary Flet- cher, Pam Bushnell, Dezmond Waters, Cindy Grossberg, Nancy Bodge, Clyde and Cindy Sullivan, Peggy Neville, Tim & Lavinia Kubiak, Peggy Neville, Karen Summers, Suzanne Judas, Donna Zimmerman, Woody Winfree, Henny Schoonover, Carl Walker, Co- ordinator, and Guests Suzanne Shaughnessy, Mayor, and Jim Jarboe, City Manager. Additionally, there were other guests and sub -committee members present. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 PM by Nancy DeCandis, Co -Chairperson. Rosemary Fletcher moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting; Woody Winfree seconded and the motion carried. Following self -introductions by those present, Suzanne Judas reported that she did not yet have the final figures for the event as all costs and some proceeds have not yet been re- ported. Carl advised he had some figures recently reported to him by the City Finance Department which included button sales, Tee short sales, and Vendor proceeds. He also has an update of costs and will forward all figures to Suzanne Judas so that a more accurate report may be calculated for the next meeting. Nancy read and circulated a letter sent to the group from the City Manager praising the Committee for it's success. Nancy also announced that the City Commission intended to present the Committee with a resolution at their next regular meeting scheduled for Monday, January 26. Mayor Shaughnessy and Nancy urged all members to be present at that meeting. Jim Jarboe, City Manager, expressed his appreciation for the cooperation of the group with City staff personnel, adding that there no complaints from staff and, in fact, City em- ployees looked forward to dealing with the "First Night" or- ganization. Carl Walker, Coordinator, echoed Mr. Jarboe's thoughts and expressed that he, personally, enjoyed working with the group because of their positive attitude and high degree of professionalism which accounts for their success. The remainder of the meeting was spent in a "brainstorming session" of a critique of the recent event, listing both positive and negative aspects and ideas for improvement for the next event. These thoughts were recorded by Mayor Shaugh- nessy on a flip chart, with the results given to Nancy at the conclusion of the meeting for future study and reference. Following the review of last year's event, there was some discussion and planning for the upcoming "Volunteer Appre- ciation" party to be held at the Adele Grage Community Cen- ter. Nancy DeCandis announced that the next regular meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 18. This meeting will be for the purpose of regrouping and organization of the committees, including chairpersons, and the structure for "First Night 1999". She urged all present to be in atten- dance for this important planning step. With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:10 PM. Carl Walker Board Coordinator - 2 -