July 2021.pdfKids are out of school, and, after a challenging year, it’s time for some recreation, fun in the sun, getting out with family and friends, and - yes – maybe even a vacation! Despite labor shortages, local businesses are rebounding, and we’ve even seen many new ones open. Please patronize the local businesses of your choice to show your support! This is all a part of living, working, and playing in our great community. The Commission and our City staff remain hard at work on your behalf. Here are a few recent significant projects outlined on the Projects Page of our website (www.coab.us). We’ve completed a City-wide connectivity plan to improve safety and efficiency for motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians. This will help us budget and plan capital improvement projects for transportation and parks in the future. For information, you can look at the Connectivity Plan link on our Projects Page. We’ve been working on an adaptation plan that builds on our previous coastal vulnerability assessment. In particular, you can check out how higher sea levels in the future might affect areas of town by looking at the Coastal Vulnerability, Resiliency, and Adaptation link on our Projects Page and clicking on our interactive map. And now, we want to hear from you! One of our many stellar citizen committees is the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee (CARAC). In an effort to assure quality recreation programs, CARAC would like your feedback on a very short survey. We want to know what events you like, how often you participate, and what you might like us to try in the future. Please take just a minute to complete our first-ever CARAC survey by visiting www.coab.us/recreationsurvey or scanning the QR code by my signature below. We will send the survey out through other social media and informational platforms,as well. As always, thank you for allowing us at the City to serve you! Ellen Glasser eglasser@coab.us #WeAreAB C I T Y O F A T L A N T I C B E A C H Monthly Newsletter JULY 2021 | VOL. 17 NO. 7 This is where I go To see cardinals frolic and otters run Turtles nap, blackbirds feast and owls in twos. When by father died, it was a source of comfort When I’m smitten, it’s a canopied cathedral of joy. This is where I go to church. H OW ELL PARK LET 'S H E A R F RO M Y OU ! (AN D M O R E) F R OM MA Y O R G LA S SER Hurricane season is coming, but it is NOT time to prune your palms with a hurricane cut. Some pruners make easy money convincing homeowners that the “hurricane cut” keeps palms healthy and safe in a windstorm. However, save your money, because the experts including the International Society of Arboriculture and the University of Florida, have years of proof that -- before and after hurricanes -- the opposite is true. Be aware that some tree services are there mostly to cut for money rather than to nurture your healthy trees. Excessive pruning can negatively affect palms in 3 ways: 1. The drastic reduction in canopy size decreases the ability of the palm to feed itself through photosynthesis, so leaves struggle to stay green. 2. The stress of pruning to a “feather duster” shape can weaken a tree making it more susceptible to pests or disease. 3. Repeatedly removing large amounts of the canopy can result in a thinner trunk, which ultimately weakens the palm and makes it more susceptible to damage in high winds. Save the health of your trees with less aggressive pruning, consider the experts’ guidelines: Read more at www.coab.us/pruning. CI TY C A LEND A R July 2021 July 26 Commission Meeting 6:30 pm August 2021 Updates and information on attending and participating in meetings are published at www.coab.us/calendar. July 5 City Offices Closed July 8 Code Enf. Magistrate 2 pm July 12 Commission Meeting 6:30 pm July 14 Env. Stewardship Committee 6 pm July 17 Town Hall Meeting 10 am July 20 Community Dev. Board 6 pm July 21 ESC Outreach 6:30 pm July 22 Budget Workshop 6 pm Aug. 9 Commission Meeting 6:30 pm Aug. 11 Env. Stewardship 6 pm Aug. 12 Pension Board 6:30 pm Aug. 17 Community Dev. Board 6 pm Aug. 18 ESC Outreach 6:30 pm Aug. 19 Budget Workshop 6 pm Aug. 23 Commission Meeting 6:30 pm Trimming Palm Trees www.coab.us/InTheKnow www.coab.us/murals