08-09-21 Draft Regular City Commission Agenda City of Atlantic Beach Draft Agenda Regular City Commission Meeting Monday, August 9, 2021 - 6:30 p.m. Commission Chamber City Hall, 800 Seminole Road INVOCATION AND PLEDGE TO THE FLAG CALL TO ORDER Page(s) 1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES 2 COURTESY OF FLOOR TO VISITORS 2A. Knights of Columbus Council 14866 presentation of Coats to Kids to The City of Atlantic Beach Police Department. PUBLIC COMMENT 3 CITY MANAGER REPORTS 3A. Removing Parking at 18th Street 3B. Paid Parking 3C. Accept the 90-Day Calendar 90-Day Calendar (August through October 2021) 5 - 8 4 REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS FROM CITY COMMISSIONERS 5 UNFINISHED BUSINESS FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS 6 CONSENT AGENDA 7 COMMITTEE REPORTS Page 1 of 28 Regular City Commission - 09 Aug 2021 8 ACTION ON RESOLUTIONS 8A. Resolution No. 21-43 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AUTHORIZING A ONE- YEAR AGREEMENT CONTINUING THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OF LANGTON ASSOCIATES, INC.; AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF $42,986.98 ANTICIPATED TO BE ALLOCATED IN THE FY 2021-22 BUDGETED; FOR THIS PURPOSE; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ANY CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS AS NECESSARY TO EFFECTUATE THE PROVISIONS OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Resolution 21-43 9 - 12 8B. Resolution No. 21-44 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER’S SIGNATURE ON THE STATE HIGHWAY LIGHTING, MAINTENANCE AND COMPENSATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AND THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. Resolution 21-44 13 - 25 9 ACTION ON ORDINANCES 10 MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS 10A. FY 2021-22 Budget Discussion 10B. 2030 Comprehensive Plan and Chapter 24 Update Staff Report 27 - 28 11 CITY ATTORNEY/CITY CLERK REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS 12 CLOSING COMMENTS BY CITY COMMISSIONERS AND CITY MANAGER 13 ADJOURNMENT This meeting will be live-streamed and videotaped. The video recording will be posted within four business days on the City's website. To access live or recorded videos, click on the Meeting Videos tab on the city's home page at www.coab.us. If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at any meeting, such person may need a record of the proceedings, and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Page 2 of 28 Regular City Commission - 09 Aug 2021 Any person wishing to speak to the City Commission on any matter at this meeting should submit a request to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. For your convenience, forms for this purpose are available at the entrance to the Commission Chamber. Every effort is made to indicate what action the City Commission is expected to take on each agenda item. However, the City Commission may act upon any agenda subject, regardless of how the matter is stated on the agenda. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Fl orida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk’s Office by 5:00 PM, the Thursday prior to the meeting. Page 3 of 28 Page 4 of 28 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY CONINIISSION NIEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITENI:90-Day Calendar for the l\/Iayor and Cornrnission SUBMITTED BY:Yvonne Calverley,Executive Assistant to the City l\/ [anager 4- T()DAY’S DATE:July 23,2021 NIEETING DATE:August 9,2021 BACKGROUND:The 90-day calendar is included on the agenda for the p ur p os e ofsetting meeting dates and deterrnining the location,time and w he th er to videotape special meetings and Workshops. The rolling 90-day calendar will be revised a?er receiving inputfrom City staff and the Commission,and will be included in agendafor consideration. S?ecial Notes: 0 A Budget Workshop is scheduled for August 19 at 6 p intheCommission Chamber. BUDGET:None RECOMMENDATION:Approve the 90-Day Calendar for August through Octob er 2021. ATTACHMENT:1)l\/layor and Commission 90-Day Calendar (August th ro u g h October2021) REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER:Agenda Item #3C.09 Aug 2021Page 5 of 28 MAYOR AND COMMISSION 9 I0 11 I2 14 Commission Mtg ‘ESC Meeting . 5:30 pm 6 pm Pension a"v°°‘N°"is)me Dale for was 3%? Agenda 15 I6 17 18 19 20 21 Community ESC Outreach Budget Development Subcommittee Workshop Board 6:30 pm 6 pm 6 pm 72 23 24 25 I 25 27 23 Commission Mlg 6:30 pm (Invoc-Glasser)Agenda Item #3C.09 Aug 2021Page 6 of 28 MAYOR AND COMMISSION 6 Labor Duy City Of?ces Closed Agenda Item #3C.09 Aug 2021Page 7 of 28 MAYOR AND COMMISSION October 2021 3 4 5 us 7 B 9 lo 11 12 13 [age Mating 14 15 In Commission Mtg 6 pm 6:30 pm D Dam ., mmc_Ke“y)ue A for 9//.7 E17 18 19 20 21 22 B Community ESC Omreacll Development Subcommittee Board 6 pm 6:30 pm 24 5 26 27 23 29 sin Commission Mlg 6:30 pm Due Date for 9117 (IlnV0<>NWI'iS)Agenda 31 Agenda Item #3C.09 Aug 2021Page 8 of 28 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM:Continuation of grant—writingand related services SUBMITTED BY:Kevin Hogencamp,Deputy City Manager DATE:July 28,2021 BACKGROUND:The City of Atlantic Beach desires to continue the services of Langton Associates,Inc.for the City’s grant-writing and related needs.Langton has agreed to a renewal of its contract with the same terms and conditions of the current contract,plus a 3%cost-of- living adjustment.The services that Langton and Associates provides to the City are as follows: In-Depth Needs Assessment and Strategic Grants Plan Determination of Relevant Funding Sources Preparation and Submission of Grant Applications Technical Assistance on Grant Administration Personalized Grant Research and Consultation Intergovernmental Relations with Federal and State Governments Provide a Semi-Weekly E-Mail Grant Alert RECOMMENDATION:The City Commission approve a resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a new one-year agreement with Langton Associates,Inc.,a copy of which is attached,with the same terms and conditions as contained in the current agreement,in addition to a 3%cost-of-living adjustment ATTACHMENTS:Resolution No.21-43 Langton Associates,Inc.2021-22 consulting agreement BUDGET:$42,985.98,which is contained in the proposed 2021-22 budget. REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER:Q gyrzé Agenda Item #8A.09 Aug 2021Page 9 of 28 RESOLUTION NO.21-43 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AUTHORIZING A ONE-YEAR AGREEMENT CONTINUING THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OF LANGTON ASSOCIATES,INC.;AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF $42,986.98 ANTICIPATED TO BE ALLOCATED IN THE FY 2021-22 BUDGETED;FOR THIS PURPOSE;AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ANY CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS AS NECESSARY TO EFFECTUATE THE PROVISIONS OF THIS RESOLUTION;AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,the City of Atlantic Beach desires to continue the professional services of Langton Associates,Inc.,for the purpose of obtaining various governmental grants and assistance offered by governmental agencies and bodies;and WHEREAS,the proposed fiscal year 2021-22 budget includes $42,986.98 for this purpose. NOW THEREFORE,be it resolved by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach as follows: SECTION 1.The City Manager is hereby authorized to sign a one-year agreement continuing the professional services of Langton Associates and approve a purchase order for $42,986.98 on behalf of the City of Atlantic Beach. SECTION 2.This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City of Atlantic Beach,this 9th day of August,2021. Ellen Glasser,Mayor Attest: Donna L.Bartle,City Clerk Brenna M.Durden,City Attorney Agenda Item #8A.09 Aug 2021Page 10 of 28 CONSULTING AGREEMENT This consulting agreement made on this day of October 2021,by and between Langton Associates,Inc.,hereinafter referred to as "Langton",and the City of Atlantic Beach,hereinafter referred to as "Client"on the following terms and conditions: RECITALS WHEREAS,Langton is a Florida corporation engaged in the business of offering governmental consulting support to municipalities,counties,other governmental bodies and non- profit corporations,and WHEREAS,Client is in need of professional services of consulting for the purpose of obtaining various governmental grants and assistance offered by various governmental agencies and bodies,and WHEREAS,the parties are desirous to enter into this contract,to establish a contractual relationship and set up the fees to be charged by Langton to Client for the services rendered and to establish the guidelines for consulting work to be performed. IT IS THEREFORE agreed as follows: l.Langton agrees to provide professional consulting services to Client for the term of one (1)year,commencing October 1,2021 and ending September 30,2022.Langton agrees to exercise its best efforts to obtain governmental grants and bene?ts for client.It is understood, however,that Langton cannot guarantee results that any certain amount of funds will be obtained for Client. 2.Pursuant to this agreement Langton agrees to provide specific services as follows: Update Needs Assessment and Strategic Grants Plan Determinationof Relevant Funding Sources Preparation and Submission of Grant Applications Technical Assistance on Grant Administration Personalized Grant Research and Consultation Intergovernmental Relations with Federal and State Governments Provide a Bi—WeeklySMARTGrantsTM E-Mail Grant Alert his time,Client agrees to pay Langton professional fees in the amount of $42,985.98 in 12monthlyinstallmentsof$3,5 82.16.4.In conjunction with services relating to Client,the Client agrees to pay expenses ofLangton.This shall include,but not be limited to,travel expenses,which shall be air expense oncoach?ights,car rental,hotel (at commercial rates)and food (maximum of $25.00 per personperday).Langton will submit the invoice for these expenses which shall be paid by the 10th dayofthefollowingmonthaftersubmissionoftheexpensereportbyLangton.Langton will not Agenda Item #8A.09 Aug 2021Page 11 of 28 incur travel expenses without approval of Client. 5.Langton agrees to devote the necessary time and performance of his duties for Client. Inasmuch as the professional services rendered are of a subjective nature subject to differences of opinion,mutual con?dence and respect are necessary.Accordingly,this contract can be terminated by either party without cause upon giving of a thirty (30)day notice as follows: A.As to Langton: P.O.Box 37007 Jacksonville,Florida 32236-7007 B.As to Client: 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 6.Should litigation be necessary to enforce any provision of this agreement then the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover a reasonable attorney's fee from the other side. ATTEST:LANGTON ASSOCIATES,INC. BY: Michael Langton,President ATTEST: BY: Shane Corbin,City Manager City of Atlantic Beach Agenda Item #8A.09 Aug 2021Page 12 of 28 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COIVIIVIISSION NIEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITENI:Resolution NO.21-44 SUBIVIITTED BY:Shane Corbin,City Manager DATE:July 29,2021 BACKGROUND:The City of Atlantic Beach previously acted as the l\/Iaintaining A ge nc y for lighting on Atlantic Boulevard and l\/Iayport Road on behalf of the Florida De par tm ent of Transportation (FDOT)and will continue perform this function.In return,FDOT will co m pe ns at e the City in the arnount of$62,870.94. RECOMMENDATION:The City Commission approve a Resolution NO.21-44 ATTACI-Il\/IENTS:Resolution No.2 l -44 FDOT state Highway Lighting,Maintenance and compensation Agreernent. BUDGET:$62,870.94,which is contained in the proposed 2021-22 budg et. REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: >‘Agenda Item #8B.09 Aug 2021Page 13 of 28 RESOLUTION NO.21-44 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER’S SIGNATURE ON THE STATE HIGHWAY LIGHTING,MAINTENANCE AND COMPENSATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AND THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WHEREAS,on May 24,2021,the City Manager signed an agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation for the City to act as the MAINTAINING AGENCY to provide maintenance and operating of lighting on the State Highway System;and WHEREAS,it is the City’s desire to continue to act as the MAINTAINING AGENCY;and WHEREAS,areas to be maintained (Atlantic Blvd.and Mayport Road)are identi?ed in Exhibit “A”of the State Highway Lighting,Maintenance and Compensation Agreement;and WHEREAS,the Contract Period is July 1,2021 through June 30,2028,with automatic renewals;and WHEREAS,the City will be compensated $62,870.94 annually for providing this maintenance. NOW THEREFORE,be it resolved by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach as follows: SECTION 1.The City Manager was hereby authorized to execute the State Highway Lighting, Maintenance and Compensation Agreement (attached)with the Florida Department of Transportation. SECTION 2.This Signature Authorization Resolution was requested by the Florida Department of Transportation in order to fully execute said Agreement. SECTION 3.This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City of Atlantic Beach,this 9”‘day of August,2021. Ellen Glasser,Mayor ATTEST Donna L.Bartle,City Clerk Approved as to form and correctness:Brenna Durden,City Attorney Agenda Item #8B.09 Aug 2021Page 14 of 28 DocuSlgn Envelope ID:8uCOE576-4CSEI-442D-BE71-24357D2B42D5 I"-‘DDT Flu;-irla Department o_f'.TraI1sp0rtntiou Hui‘:1)SAN‘!IS l.)islricI I\/Illilllenallcc CoIIIl'acI:<Office K F‘/IN Ill:/ sIJl_f.' |m9 somh ivlrlrion Avenue,Ms 20|0 ~‘=“H F“ /‘“ " Lsikc ciiy.Florida 3205: May 19,2021 city of Atlantic Beach Attn:lrlance Department sou serninole Road Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 New Contract No:TBD old Contract No.AN4503 Financial Project No.41441717802 Description:State Highway Lighting,Maintenance and Compensation Agreement Contract Period July 1,2021 through June 30,2023 Agency Partner, Attached is the new Highway Lighting,Maintenance,and compensation Agreement.it has oeen u p d a t e d and Improved to provide more flexibility in the prosecution and progress of the work.Once executed w ill supersed etheexistingagreement(Item 7 <:.). Sorne of the changes include: -The terrn of this agreement has been adjusted to be seven years.(item 1 section E);the ex is ti n g agreement is essentially cipen—ended with automatic renewals. 0 This new version authorizes your Agency to submit l'Ell'rIbUYSel'l'leI'1K claims to all third parties respo nsibl eForthedarnage;this allows you to pursue recovery from insurance agencies and individuals res pon sibl e for damage to the highway lighting system (item 2). o The current Agreement does not provide for an opt-out option.This new version allows ei th er partyto terminate the Agreement by a written notice.(Item 1 Section E)..Prior to the beginning of each agreement year,it requires the Maintaining Agency to submit anamended Exhibit A to account for any new Ilghts that have come on-line.(ltern 2) u Exhibit A was updated to better clarify the features covered and compensation amount. Attached,for comparison,is the current agreement information and the new agreement language a n d exh ase fill out and sign the agreement,complete the spreadsheet,and return to my attention no lthan§ ‘This will give us time to execute the new agreements prior to the expiration of the existing agree ment year Please attach the appropriate documentation for signature authority or a resolution for the Indiv idualexecutingtheagreement. /m,u~.m.-.\'¢(/1'/\‘.£‘rlI1uHr‘('/vlu/n’/in»,/II»]nI'r'Iilllavu/lull www.lllul wnv Agenda Item #8B.09 Aug 2021Page 15 of 28 Di:r:uSign Envelclpe ID:EOCOE676-4CE9~442D»BE71-Z43E7DZE42El5 The total payment amount for each Fiscal veer is calculated by inputting the actual number of quali fyin g typesof lights and multiplying by the Unit Rate and 50%.Example:330 (lights)3:$291.25 x 0.90 (90%Requi remen t) = $86,533.92 Should you not wish to execute the new agreement please let us know and we shall continue to o p e r a t e under the terms of the original agreement. If you have any questions,please see the contact Information below. Sincerely, —Dacullgnud by:[7;a;._-,g;,g,g,;n Sandra Brink District 2 Maintenance contracts ngr;i lk@_(|(<Ia_(_r:315.; (356)951-7585 ensanaigua by:[444.;7/5.35419: -Fnaocsrcnnuus L a Butler DISIFICI 2 Nlalntenarlce Contracts glgg lxlll-_'_IEIJ_t’.l(:_|:»_1.»_)le_V (586)961-7382 Agenda Item #8B.09 Aug 2021Page 16 of 28 Docusign Envelope ID:8OCOE576—4CB9-442D~BE71-24357D2B42D5 STATEOF FLORIDADEPARTMENTOF TRANSPORTATION 375-020-52 STATE HIGHWAY LIGHTING,MAINTENANCE,AND tM,',",;,§t_":,t;;=,$ COMPENSATIONAGREEMENT Page 1 ow CONTRACT NO. FINANCIALPROJECT NO.41441717802 F.E.I.D.NO.F59-6000267-001 THIS AGREEMENT,entered into this day of ,year of ,by and between the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION,hereinafter referred to as "FDOT",and City of Atlantic Beach,hereinafter referred to as the "MAINTAININGAGENCY"; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS,FDOT is authorized under Sections 334.044 and 335.055,Florida Statutes,to enter into this Agreement,and the MAINTAINING AGENCY has the authority to enter into this Agreement and to undertake the maintenance and operation of lighting on the State Highway System;and WHEREAS,the MAINTAININGAGENCY has authorized its undersigned officers to enter into and execute this Agreement; WHEREAS,FDOT has identified sites where lighting and/or lighting systems,hereinafter referred to as "Facilities", are located on the State Highway System within the jurisdictional boundaries of the MAINTAININGAGENCY.A list of the Facilities is included as Exhibit A,attached hereto and incorporated herein. WHEREAS,the MAINTAININGAGENCY agrees to maintain the Facilities as further set forth herein. NOW,THEREFORE,in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants contained herein,FDOT and the MAINTAININGAGENCY hereby agree as follows: 1.Maintenance of Facilities a.The MAINTAININGAGENCY shall maintain the Facilities listed in Exhibit A.The Facilities may include lighting for roadways,as well as park and ride,pedestrian overpasses,and recreational areas owned by or located on the property of FDOT.The Facilities shall not include lighting located in weigh stations,rest areas,or on Interstate highways. The location and type of lighting to be maintained pursuant to this Agreement is set forth in ExhibitA.Any changes or modifications to Exhibit A must be in writing and signed by both FDOT and the MAINTAINING AGENCY.Any Facilities added to ExhibitA during the FDOT’s fiscal year shall be maintained and operated by the MAINTAININGAGENCY upon the FDOT’s ?nal acceptance of installation of any new lightingand/or lighting systems.Prior to the start of each new fiscal year,the MAINTAININGAGENCY and FDOT shall amend Exhibit A to re?ect any changes to the Facilities,including addition,removal,or change in lighting type maintained pursuant to this Agreement. The MAINTAINING AGENCY will be compensated for Facilities added to Exhibit A by amendment of this Agreement in the FDOT’s fiscal year occurring after the lighting and/or lighting systems are installed and ?nal acceptance of such installation is given by FDOT.In the event that no change is made to the previous year’s ExhibitA,a certi?cation from the MAINTAININGAGENCY shall be provided to FDOT certifying that no change has been made to Exhibit A during FDOT’s previous ?scal year.Unless stated othenivise,all references to ?scal years within this agreement refer to FDOT’s ?scal year,beginning July 1st and ending June 30th. b.In maintaining the Facilities,the MAINTAININGAGENCY shall perform all activities necessary to keep the original design thereof,whether necessitated by normal wear and tear,accidental or intentional damage,or acts of nature.Required maintenance includes,but is not limited to,providing electrical power andpayingallchargesassociatedtherewith,routine inspection and testing,preventative maintenance,emergency maintenance,replacement of any component parts of the Facilities (including the poles and anyandallothercomponentpartsinstalledaspartoftheFacilities),and locating (both vertically andhorizontally)the Facilities.Allrepairs or replacement willbe in kind unless a variance is approved in writingbyFDOT.Agenda Item #8B.09 Aug 2021Page 17 of 28 Docusign Envelope ID:80COE576-4CB9-442D-BE71-24357D2B42D5 375-020-52 MAINTENANCE 0GC—02I2I Pagezole c.All maintenance must be in accordance with the provisions of the following: (1 )Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices;and (2)All other applicable local,state,or federal laws,rules,resolutions,or ordinances,and FDOT procedures. d.For lighting installed as part of a FDOT project,the MAINTAININGAGENCY's obligation to maintain the Facility commences upon the MAINTAININGAGENCY‘sreceipt of noti?cation from FDOT that FDOT has formally accepted the project,except for the obligation to provide for electrical power,which obligation to provide for electrical power commences at such time as the lighting system is ready to be energized; provided,however,that the MAINTAININGAGENCYis not required to perform any activities which are the responsibilities of FDOT’s contractor. Prior to acceptance by FDOT,the MAINTAININGAGENCY shall have the opportunity to inspect and request modi?cations/correctionsto the insta|lation(s).FDOT agrees to make modi?cations/corrections prior to acceptance so long as the modi?cations/correctionscomply with the installation contract documents and speci?cations. e.The term for this Agreement is seven (7)years.Either party may terminate this Agreement by a notice of termination.The notice of termination must be in writing.Should the MAINTAININGAGENCY choose to terminate the Agreement,the MAINTAININGAGENCY shall provide a minimum notice period of two (2) ?scal years prior to the effective date of termination and the notice shall be endorsed by the elected body (County Commission,City Council,or local agency governing body)under which the Agency operates.The effective date of the termination will coincide with the end of the FDOT’s ?scal year of June 30"‘following the two~year notice. The termination of this Agreement will not terminate maintenance responsibilities for lightingowned by the MAINTAININGAGENCY.Maintenance obligations for lights owned by the MAINTAININGAGENCY will remain the responsibility of the MAINTAININGAGENCY.Nor does terminationof this Agreement operate to relieve the MAINTAININGAGENCY of any maintenance obligations contained in other agreements. Maintenance of lights governed by a separate maintenance agreement will continue per the terms of that separate maintenance agreement. 2.Compensation and Payment FDOT shall pay to the MAINTAININGAGENCY a sum of $62,870.94 for the ?scal year in which this Agreement is signed.Payments willbe calculated and made in accordance with ExhibitA. Prior to the beginning of each ?scal year,the MAINTAININGAGENCY shall submit an amended Exhibit A or a certificationof no change to ExhibitA and FDOT and the MAINTAININGAGENCY shall agree on the amount and percentage of lighting to be paid for the coming ?scal year.FDOT willissue a work order con?rming the amount and authorizing the performance of maintenance for each new ?scal year.The work order must be an FDOT-signed letter of authorization to the MAINTAININGAGENCY with a subject line containing the terms "State Highway Lighting,Maintenance,and Compensation Agreement work order".The work order must re?ect the contract number,financial project number.FEID No.of the MAINTAININGAGENCY,the ?scal year,the percentage of lighting funded and the lump sum amount to be paid for the ?scal year indicated.The work order must be signed by the MAINTAININGAGENCY and returned to FDOT.Failure by the MAINTAININGAGENCY to take any of the FDOT expressly assigns its rights,interests and privileges pertaining to damage to Facilities caused by third partiestotheMAINTAININGAGENCY,so they may pursue all claims and causes of actions against the thirdpartiesresponsibleforthedamage.FDOT will assist the MAINTAININGAGENCY and will con?rm theMAINTAININGAGENCY's authorizationto pursue recovery.The MAINTAININGAGENCY willbe responsible forallattorneys’fees and litigationcosts incurred in its recovery activities.Agenda Item #8B.09 Aug 2021Page 18 of 28 DocuSign Envelope ID:80COE576-4CB9-442D-BE71-24357D2B42D5 375-020-52 MAINTENANCE OGC -—02121 Page 3 of 8 3.Record Keeping The MAINTAININGAGENCY shall keep records of all activities and report all maintenance performed and replacement components and parts installed pursuant to this Agreement.The records shall be kept in an electronic format approved by FDOT. Records shall be maintained and made available upon request to FDOT during the period of this Agreement and for three (3)years after final payment for the work pursuant to this Agreement is made.Copies of these documents and records willbe furnished to FDOT upon request. 4.Invoicing The MAINTAININGAGENCY shall invoice FDOT annually in a format acceptable to the FDOT.invoices must be submitted no earlier than May 1 and no later than June 15 of the fiscal year in which the services were provided in order to be processed for payment by June 30. Upon receipt,FDOT has five (5)working days to inspect and approve the goods and services.FDOT has twenty (20)days to deliver a request for payment (voucher)to the Department of Financial Services.The twenty (20)days are measured from the latter of the date the invoice is received or the goods or services are received,inspected, and approved. If a payment is not available withinforty (40)days,a separate interest penalty at a rate as established pursuant to Section 215.422,Florida Statutes,willbe due and payable,in addition to the invoice amount,to the MAINTAINING AGENCY.Interest penalties of less than one (1)dollar will not be enforced unless the MAINTAININGAGENCY requests payment.Invoices returned to a MAINTAININGAGENCY because of MAINTAININGAGENCY preparation errors will result in a delay in the payment.The invoice payment requirements do not start until a properly completed invoice is provided to FDOT. A Vendor Ombudsman has been established within the Department of Financial Services.The duties of this individualinclude acting as an advocate for contractors/vendors who may be experiencing problems in obtaining timely payment(s)from a state agency.The Vendor Ombudsman may be contacted at (850)410-9724 or by calling the Chief Financial Officer's Hotline,1-800~848-3792. The State of Florida's performance and obligation to pay under this Agreement is contingent upon an annual appropriation by the Legislature.in the event this Agreement is in excess of $25,000 and has a term for a period of more than one (1)year,the provisions of Section 339.135(6)(a),Florida Statutes,are hereby incorporated: FDOT,during any fiscal year,shall not expend money,incur any liability,or enter into any contract which.by its terms,involves the expenditure of money in excess of the amounts budgeted as available for expenditure during such fiscal year.Any contract,verbal or written,made in violation of this subsection shall be null and void,and no money may be paid on such contract.FDOT shall require a statement from the Comptroller of FDOT that funds are available prior to entering into any such contract or other binding commitment of funds.Nothing herein contained shall prevent the making of contracts for periods exceeding 1 year.but any contract so made shall be executory only for the value of the services to be rendered or agreed to be paid for in succeeding ?scal years;and this paragraph shall be incorporated verbatim in all contracts of FDOT which are for an amount in excess of $25,000 and which have a term for a period of more than 1 year. 5.Default In the event that the MAINTAININGAGENCY breaches any provision of this Agreement,then in addition to any other remedies which are otherwise provided for in this Agreement,FDOT may exercise one or more of the following recovery damages: a.Pursue ab.Pursue any other remedies legally available.c.As to any work not performed by the MAINTAININGAGENCY,perform such work with its own forces orthroughcontractorsandseekreimbursementforthecostthereoffromtheMAINTAININGAGENCYiftheMAINTAININGAGENCYfailstocurethenon-performance within fourteen (14)days after written noticefromFDOTofthenon~performance;provided,however,that advance notice and cure will not bepreconditionsintheeventofanemergency.Agenda Item #8B.09 Aug 2021Page 19 of 28 DoCuSign Envelope ID:80COE576-4CB9-442D-BE71~24357D2B42D5 375-020-52 MAINTENANCE OGC-02/21 Page 4 of 8 Force Majeure Neither the MAINTAININGAGENCY nor FDOT will be liable to the other for any failure to perform under this Agreement to the extent such performance is prevented by an act of God,war,riots,natural catastrophe,or other event beyond the control of the non-performing party and which could not have been avoided or overcome by the exercise of due diligence;provided that the party claiming the excuse from performance has (a)promptly noti?ed the other party of the occurrence and its estimated duration,(b)promptly remedied or mitigated the effect of the occurrence to the extent possible,and (c)resumed performance as soon as possible. Miscellaneous a.FDOT shall consider the employment by any contractor of unauthorized aliens a violation of Section 2‘/’4A(e)of the immigration and Nationality Act.if the contractor knowingly employs unauthorized aliens, such violationwillbe cause for unilateral cancellation of this Agreement. The MAINTAININGAGENCY shall allow public access to all documents,papers,letters,or other material subject to the provisions of Chapter 119,Florida Statutes,and made or received by the MAINTAINING AGENCYin conjunction with this Agreement.Failure by the MAINTAININGAGENCYto grant such public access willbe grounds for immediate unilateralcancellation of this Agreement by FDOT. This Agreement constitutes the complete and ?nal expression of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements,understandings,or negotiations with respect thereto. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,this Agreement shall replace and supersede all prior agreements between FDOT and the MAINTAININGAGENCY with respect to maintenance of the lighting and/or lighting systems for the Facilities identifiedin Exhibit A. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Florida.Any provision hereof found to be unlawful or unenforceable are severable and willnot affect the validity of the remaining provisions hereof. All notices required pursuant to the terms hereof may be sent by first class United States Mail,facsimile transmission,hand delivery,electronic mail.or express mail and willbe deemed to have been received by the end of ?ve (5)business days from the proper sending thereof unless proof of prior actual receipt is provided.The MAINTAININGAGENCY must notify the local District of FDOT of the appropriate persons for notices to be sent pursuant to this Agreement.Unless othen/visenotified in writing,notices must be sent to the following addresses: MAINTAININGAGENCY: ,.,Q&79 h_M,,..,. Shane §m9_rwt3iAr1,§i_tyManager 800 Seminole Road AtlanticBeach,FL 32233-54454 FDOT: FloridaDepartment of Tr_ansporMt_atio_r1m 1109 South Marion Avenue l Lake City,Florida‘32055 PUBLIC ENTITYCRIME INFORMATIONSTATEMENT:A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a convictionfor a public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity,may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for tounder a contract with any public entity,and may not transact business with any public entity in excess ofthethresholdamountprovidedinSection287.017,Florida Statutes,for CATEGORY TWO for a period ofthirtysix(36)months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list.An entity or affiliate who has been placed on the discriminatory vendor list may not submit a bid on acontracttoprovideanygoodsorservicestoapublicentity,may not submit a bid on a contract with a publicentityfortheconstructionorrepairofapublicbuildingorpublicwork,may not submit bids on leases of realpropertytoapublicentity,may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor,supplier,subcontractor,orconsultantunderacontractwithanypublicentity,and may not transact business with any public entity.Agenda Item #8B.09 Aug 2021Page 20 of 28 Docusign Envelope ID:80COE576-4CB9—442D-BE71-24357D2B42D5 I. j. 375-OZCLS2 MAINTENANCE OGC ~0212! Page 5 of 8 By signing this agreement the Maintaining Agency certi?es that it is not:(1)listed on the Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel List,created pursuant to Section 215.4725,F.S.,(2)engaged in a boycott of Israel,(3)or listed on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List,created pursuant to Section 215.473, Florida Statutes.For contracts involving $1,000,000 or more,ifthe Department determines the Maintaining Agency submitted a false certi?cation under Section 287.135(5)of the Florida Statutes regarding the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List,created pursuant to Section 215.473,Florida Statutes,or for contracts involving any amount,if the Maintaining Agency has been placed on the Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel List,or is engaged in a boycott of Israel,the Department shall either terminate the Contract after it has given the Maintaining Agency notice and an opportunity to demonstrate the Department’s determinationof false certification was in error pursuant to Section 287.135(5)(a)of the FloridaStatutes,or maintain the Contract if the conditions of Section 287.135(4)of the Florida Statutes are met. Nothing herein shall be construed as a waiver of either party's sovereign immunity. MAINTAININGAGENCY: 1.shall utilize the U.S.Department of HomelandSecurity’s E-Verify system to verify the employment eligibility of all new employees hired by the MAINTAININGAGENCY during the term of the contract;and 2.shall expressly require any subcontractors performing work or providing services pursuant to the state contract to likewise utilize the U.S.Department of Homeland Security's E-Verify system to verify the employment eligibility of all new employees hired by the subcontractor during the contract tenn. 3.Ensure that public records that are exempt or con?dential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law for the duration of the Agreement term and following completion of the Agreement If the Maintaining Agency does not transfer the records to FDOT 4.Upon completion of the Agreement,transfer,at no cost,to FDOT,all public records in possession of the Consultant or keep and maintain public records required by FDOT to perform the service.If the Consultant transfers all public records to FDOT upon completion of the Agreement,the Consultant shall destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or con?dential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements.Ifthe Consultant keeps and maintains public records upon completion of the Agreement,the Consultant shall meet all applicable requirements for retaining public records.Allrecords stored electronically must be provided to FDOT,upon request from FDOT’s custodian of public records.in a format that is compatible with the information technology systems of FDOT 5.Failure by the Maintaining Agency to comply with Chapter 119,FloridaStatutes,shall be grounds for immediate unilateralcancellationof this Agreement by FDOT Agenda Item #8B.09 Aug 2021Page 21 of 28 Dot:uSlgn Envalaps co:SOCOE576—4CB9-442D—BE71-2-3357D2B42D5 :75-ozo—wumemw oGc—n1 Plate3 IF THE MAINTAINING AGENCY HA5 QUESTIONS REGARDING THE APPLICATION O F CH APT ER 119, FLORIDA STATUTES,TO THE MAINTAINING AGENCY’S DUTY TO PROVIDE PUBLIC REC ORD S RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT,CONTACT THE CUSTODIAN OF PUBLIC RECORDS AT: District 1 863-519-2623 lllpi __I_g5‘IIllI‘l?M;§£gl(‘.IiI.Ii9« Flori a Department of Transportation District 1 —Of?ce of General Counsel 801 N.Broadway Bartow,FL 33830 District 2 386-758-3727 ____ tmliu:;_rJ_uot.snutgggxs Florid Departnient of ‘Transportation District 2 —Office of General Counsel 1 109 South 1\/Iarion Avenue,NIS 2009 Lake City,FL 32025 District 3 850-330-1391 fTransportation District 3 -Of?ce of General Counsel 1074 Highway 90 East Chipley,FL 32428 District 4 954-777-4529 I_I_4_[u1:usIo_;liuii a (IlIl.§l:lIl__'JI;ll§ Florida Department of Transportation District 4 ——Office of General Counsel 3400 West Commercial Blvd. Fort Lauderdale,FL 33309 District 5 386-943-5000 llim‘"I-rL|i=-,-,I&g_~i;-I,-»~=lni_,», Flori a Department of Transportation District 5 -Office of General Counsel 719 South Woodland Boulevard Deland,FL 32720 District 6 305-470-5453 !)(}[)i‘(u:lg 1 45:1 (lnl.:.inI\-.ll.un Florida Department of Tran sport ationDistrict6—Office of General Coun sel1000NVV111Avenue Nliami,FL 33172-5800 District 7 813-975-6491 l)_7QrcuwIud|:inuL5lnl.stuln-.ll.iis Florida Department of Tran spor tatio n District 7 -Of?ce of General Coun sel11201N.1\/IcKinley Drive,I7-120 Tampa,FL 33612 Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise 407-264-131 70 1|'l,’JLC_uix-,D; Turnpike Enterprise Chief C ou ns el Florida Turnpike —Of?ce o f Gene ralCounsel Turnpike I\/Iile Post 263,B l d g. 5315 Ocoee,FL 34761 Centrl Office 850-414-5355 g:(ip--custoulin-uu xi aLc _:Il. iisOfficeoftheGeneralCouns elFloridaDepartmentof Tra nsp orta tion 605 Suwannee Street,IVIS Tallahassee,Florida 32399- 0458 Agenda Item #8B.09 Aug 2021Page 22 of 28 DocuSign Envelope ID:BOCOE576-4CB9-442D-BE71—24357D2B42D5 STATE OF FLORIDADEPARTMENTOF TRANSPORTATION 375-D20-52 STATE HIGHWAY LIGHTING,MAINTENANCE,AND MAg*g§':Ag;,‘=; Page 7 outCOMPENSATIONAGREEMENT Certification This document is a printout of an FDOT for MAINTAININGAGENCY in the form of additions,deletions,or substitutions are re?e entitled “Changes to Form Document” affected portions of this document may reference purposes only and do not c MAINTAININGAGENCYhereby represents that no change has bee through the terms of the Appendix entitled "Changes to Form Document." You MUSTsignify by selecting one of the applicable options: refer to changes reflected in the above~named Appendix but Ij No changes have been made to this Forms Document and no Appendix entitled "Changes to Form Document"is attached. [I No changes have been made to this Form Document,but changes are included on the attached Appendix entitled "Changes to Form Document." IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have executed this Agreement effective the day and year first written. MAINTAININGAC5;I3(Qc¥3,mdby: E t . BY:(Signature)LEEJCIMZEIQUDIWMM Shane Corbin 5/24/2021 I 9 Date: (Printed Name: (Printed Title:City Manager In maintained in an electronic format and all revisions thereto by the cted only in an Appendix and no change is made in the text of the document itself.Hand notations on are for hange the terms of the document.By signing this document,the n made to the text of this document except :05 AM EDT STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENTOF TRANSPORTATION BY:(Siqnature) t : (Printed Name:Travis Humghries,P.E. Da 6 (Printed Title:D2 Director of Ogerations FDOT Legal Review BY:(S_ignature)Date: Counsel Agenda Item #8B.09 Aug 2021Page 23 of 28 DocuSign Envelope ID;80COE576-4CB9-442D-BE71-243570234205 1.0 2.0 3.0 375-020-52 MAINTENANCE OGC—O2I21 Page B of 8 Exhibit A STATE HIGHWAYLIGHTING,MAINTENANCE,AND COMPENSATIONAGREEMENT For Fiscal Year 21/22 PURPOSE This exhibit de?nes the method and limits of compensation to be made to the MAINTAININGAGENCY for the services described in this Agreement and method by which payments willbe made. FACILITIES The lighting or lighting systems listed below,or in an attached spreadsheet.or other electronicform are included with this Agreement and represent the Facilitiesto be maintainedby the MAINTAININGAGENCY: 1.See Attached Liqhtinq Inventory Sheet 2. 3. COMPENSATION For the satisfactory completion of all services detailed in this Agreement,FDOT will pay the MAINTAINING AGENCY the Total Sum as provided in Section 2 of the Agreement.The MAINTAININGAGENCY will receive one single payment at the end of each ?scal year for satisfactory completion of service. The per-light unit rate shall increase by 3%each ?scal year.E.g.,the per-light unit rate of $309.10 in fiscal year 21/22 shall increase to $318.37 in fiscal year 22/23. Total Payment Amount for each ?scal year is calculated by inputting the actual number of qualifying types of lights into the table below and multiplyingby the unit rate and __%.Example:330 (lights)x $(unit rate)x 0.90 (90%requirement)=$0.00 T eof Light #oflights LED or HPS ;_Unit rate _"L % Hi h Mast HPS H Standard HPS Underdeck HPS ' » HPS Underdeck LEDSignLED Agenda Item #8B.09 Aug 2021Page 24 of 28 Douliran ErwnnouID.0669151!-4CB!441DnE1I:A331nznIxns Florida Department of Transportation Highway Llghllng Malntanance and Agreement Inventory CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Joe Gerrity.Clty Manager 904-247-5302 u.........emgu...Typ ILI lIK ( 'HII! 5‘;;'m‘:::"c-u--v °""'“:'::.::'.;::..“'""‘E“":::::'.:::.’.:"'°"..'‘.7::.=.,°."..'':..?.'Azn ‘’'" Lenoran ~n....um... .East Side of ICVV 7 VA’ A"a""°3"”Duval Atlantic Blvd West 3rd Street SR A:lA 77 I-10—AIA Bound Ivlayport East Side of xcw Road »101 »Duval Atlantic an/u West Asslsl Lane 149 sp.A1A Bound T°*AL_;f_f"L;§_;«E*_;:BEING 225 ...v.....slmr zozl Agenda Item #8B.09 Aug 2021Page 25 of 28 Page 26 of 28 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COl\’llVlISSION l\/IEETING STAFF REl’()l{'l‘ AGENDA ITEIVI:2030 Comprehensive Plan and Chapter 24 update SUBIVIITTED BY:Amanda 1..Askew,Director of Planning and community TODAY’S DATE:July 29,2021 MEETING DATE:August 9,2021 BACl(GROUND:The 2021 Legislative session resulted in new legislation twillrequire updates to the Cornprehensive Plan and the Land Developrnent Regulations (Chapter 24 ). House Bi S9 —Gl'0VVtlI Management (.'(nn]7I-e/1en_s'ilIe Plan 'l‘hc legislation arnends Florida State Statute l63.3l67 to provide that all local cornpr chensi ve plans effective,rather than adopted,a?er January 1,2016.along with all land developrnent regulatio nsadoptedtoimplementtheplan,must ineor-pot-ate development orders cxis g be ro re theplalfs effective date.Also,the cornprehensive plans rnust not in1p2lir the con-lplelion ot a deve lopl ncnt order, and rnust vest the density and intensity approved on the effective date ol’the comprehensive plan. Properly Rights Elemenl The legislation requires local governlnent to adopt a property rights element in their co n1 pr eh cn si ve plan.It instructs loeal govemrnent to consider certain private property rights when regul ating land. Altering a Development Agreement The legislation provides that a developlncnt agreement between a local government a n d apropeny owner/developer may be alnended or canceled wit11oLIt securing the consent of parcel o w n er s whowere initially subject to the developinenl agreernent unless the mnendinent dn ctly n1odi?cd t h e landusesof an owner’s property. l'l0usc Bill 487 eGruwtII Nlanagelnent The legislation 1'I::qui1'es increases the inaxirnum acreage of srnall—scalc cotnpre hensive plan amendments froln 10 acres to 50 acres. Ilousc Bill 421 —Reliclifroln Burdens on Real P opertv Rigllts/Bel‘!Harris Act The legislation revises notice—of—<;lairn rcquirernerlts for property owners;creates a that settlement offers protect public interest;speci?es pi-openy owners retain option to have c o u r t deterlninc awards or colnpensation;and utitlio 5 property owners to bring claims against governln ental entities in certain circuinstances. NEXT STEPS:City staff has begun work on these updates.Staff these updates eoming before commission in late rail.Since we will be updating chapter slarrwillbe Agenda Item #10B.09 Aug 2021Page 27 of 28 suggesting additional changes to chapter 24.since the code was updated in 2019,sta ff hasidenti?ed some sections that need adjusting,clarifying or rnodifying.Among thern:Adjusting thedriveway width (24253)to lnatch the requirements in chapter 19;updating the definition of a r e c r e a t i o n vehicle to include boat and A'FV’s de?ne outdoor shower;and reviewing the allowance of heightsand clarifying siormwater improvements to include lnultiple years. Many of these changes would have already been incorporated;however,city code Sect ion 24-51 requires mailed notices to “each real pruperty owner whose land is subject to the propos ed textchange and also to owners whose land is within three hundred (300)feet of the subject parc< >l(s)”. Thisisa large undenaking rer minor amendments.For example,if a change to the de?nition arecreati onalvehicleismade,a mailer to the entire city is required.The average cost or this ty pe ormailingis $2,500 to $3,000.In addition,these minor changes would he done along the way and notresult in large code updates.start is requesting feedback on rernoving the mailing requirement fror n thecode. All changes to chapter 24 require two public hearings. BUDGET:$2,SU()—$3,000 (allocated in the proposed FY 2021-22 bud get) DATION:City Colnrnissiorl lnernbers provide feedback on Section 24- 51 (mailed public hearing notice) REISOIVIIVI ATTACH]\/lENT(S):None REVIEWED BY CITY I\/IANAGEII: @ Agenda Item #10B.09 Aug 2021Page 28 of 28